Steady as she goes!

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Thank you for the post on Jasmine's diary. I couldn't have put it better myself.

I hope you do well at this, you deserve it.


Posted : 4th May 2009 1:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Weld at least by working you are not missing much with regard to the weather! so hopefully on your next day off the sunshine will come out.

keep well. Min x

Posted : 4th May 2009 2:35 pm
Posts: 0


Well done on getting this far , long way to go but you are doing well. I have been on here for 2 months now, and sometimes it can get you in a real spin. When people end diaries , start gambling again and for me new entries it can get you a bit out of sync. But that is just a reflection of society , good , bad and ugly I expect.

Posted : 4th May 2009 2:36 pm
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Thanks guys, 100% agree with you City, was a bit taken aback by the goings on, but that's what it's all about I suppose.

I am still feeling very good in myself, and thanks for your support. Weldy

Posted : 4th May 2009 3:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Weldy

Thanks for leaving those level headed msgs. Glad youre feeling good about yourself and staying focussed. You are doing so well in your recovery. Ive had a rocky day but pulled myself together tonight.

Have you got over your flu bug yet?

Things with the band will be getting busy soon eh?

Eyes X

Posted : 4th May 2009 10:41 pm
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Hi LE,

Shame you had a bad day but well done for getting through it.

Flu bug better but hanging around, and yes it needs to go as I have a busy period starting with the band next Saturday. Weldy

Posted : 5th May 2009 12:44 am
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Busy working today, two meetings in London, then band rehearsal so have only just got in at 1.00 am. Another day ok and as planned. Weldy

Posted : 6th May 2009 1:04 am
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Still plodding along with work which is very busy at the moment, so no time to have thoughts of gambling! Which is good and will be worth it in the end. Weldy

Posted : 6th May 2009 4:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Weld and great to hear you are staying strong. Dont work too hard though we all need to chill now and then....all work and no play (mean band) take care. Min x

Posted : 6th May 2009 7:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Kev

Hope you made it through your hectic day. you seem much more committed to your business now - well done. Its amazing how much more focussed you can be without gambling gnawing away at you all day long isnt it.

Eyes X

Posted : 6th May 2009 11:29 pm
Posts: 0

Thinking of you Weldy.

Jas xx

Posted : 7th May 2009 10:38 am
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Thanks CC, LE & of course Jas!

Great to hear from you all. I have been in London again today, meetings & picking up more work!!! Been so very busy, and the more I seem to focus on the work, the more seems to come in! This has been a good development for me, and LE, yes you are right, it's amazing how when you become so much more focused what can happen!

I would really like the pressure to ease off a little as I am feeling a little tired, and the "man flu" just won't go away, though it is a little better.

I had rehearsal Tuesday (with Band 2), and my vocals were awful - yet 24 hrs later, had rehearsal with my band (1) and all was better! Just can't figure that one out at all! Though it could be some of the songs I guess. Have a gig Saturday night, then the following Saturday a Festival, which should be 5 - 6 thousand people, so I really need to be better by then. (fingers crossed!!! and toes.. etc)

Glad to see you return Jas, I assume you were just "popping in for now"?

CC - hope you are primed for the weekend and only going to do good things with your wages this week.

LE - hope you are doing good still, you must be pretty fit by now with all that exercise?


Posted : 7th May 2009 4:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Weldy sounds like a productive and exciting time coming up. What type of band are you? (I dont mean how good as I dont doubt that!!!) but what type of music.

I wonder how you had time to gamble in the first place and definitely no time now. Makes my little housewify life dull and maybe start to do something as a hobby due to your positive post will give me a kick up the behind to do something. So good on ya. Min x

Posted : 7th May 2009 5:16 pm
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Hi Min,

I have two bands - both cover bands, i.e. we do other peoples songs. The first band is a Rock to Soul type band, so I do things like The Beatles, Stones, Kinks, more recent stuff like Franz Ferdinand, kaiserchiefs, Kings of Leon & also some soul stuff like Sweet Soul Music, James Brown, all sorts really. Been going about 4-5 years. I have 10 gigs with them in the next 12 weeks.

The other band I only joined in January, so we are getting ready to gig. They are a more punk type band, s*x Pistols, Clash, The Knack, The Members, and more recent stuff like The Automatic, All American Rejects, Sum41, Blink182, even some McFly & Busted!!! Weldy

Posted : 7th May 2009 5:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Weldy must admit you have good taste in music (quite a contrast!!!) favourite would be the Soul Stuff James Brown Kinks etc. Cant say I have ever been into the punk stuff (probably my age). Maybe after a few drinks!!

Who knows might be downloading you! hope so.

All the best with the band. Min x

Posted : 7th May 2009 6:52 pm
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