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Read back in Sept that you had a bad experience with online casino. Google "casino meister" and there is a forum where you can complain and they will investigate on your behalf. You should have been able to continue playing on allowed games to meet wagering requirements. Can't see why slots and roulette aren't allowed? Not recommending you gamble at all really but as you were unjustly treated you should look into it!

Posted : 21st October 2011 11:39 am
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Hi RCG...boy did I have a bad experience!

Basically deposited £300 and got a deposit bonus worked it up to £1700, cashed out it told me my deposit bonus would be removed. Then I got an email saying that roulette was not part of the wagering requirements and did I want them to reset my account to £300. I said no I will risk my chances playing the slots. Think I had to place £8k on the slots to meet the requirements! I managed to do it. Cashed out with £3.5k in the bank. Even had an email saying well done on meeting the wager requirements!! Then after about 3 days of my withdrawal being in pending status I got an email saying that because the majority of my winning were won on roulette management reserved the right to remove any winnings. They gave me a £100 payment in kind (but I had previously lost £100 before I deposited this £300!!!). I have never been so gutted. Must have phoned and emailed about 5 times trying to get it resolved and I was basically told to f**k off. Thanks for the heads up though I might just make a complaint via that site!

Posted : 21st October 2011 1:32 pm
Posts: 0

I have already had a gambling related rant this week and I am doing well to contain myself after reading your last post.

Just remember, who has values in life?

Us or them?

Easy question, really.

Good luck with making the complaint but try and not let it get to you, eh?

We are better than them.


Posted : 21st October 2011 3:33 pm
Posts: 355

Very curious to know which casino this was.

Does it begin with 'S'?

Posted : 21st October 2011 8:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shorty, thanks for the post on my diary, I have been to the bingo and coped, only took book money with me. Thought it would be difficult cause I was feeling a few gamble urges before I went but was OK.

My hours of work as a bit funny as I work in control room for police, so 24hr round the clock cover is needed. Plays havoc with sleeping patterns lol. Hope all doing good with you, tc

Posted : 21st October 2011 9:57 pm
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Hi..thanks for ur comments everyone is was casino tropez. I don't know if I can even be bothered complaining I really did complain to them 5 times already!!

Posted : 22nd October 2011 10:20 am
Posts: 0

"Casino Warning - Never play at Casinotropez

Casino Warnings - Never play at Casinotropez, Racetrackcasino and Cityclubcasino.

They perform unethical business practice toward their players. They belong to this shadow company:

Imperial E-Club Limited

6 Temple Street, St. Johns, N/A 0000 Antigua

posted by crab2325 at 12:38 AM 2 comments"

Found this on the internet. Also someone at the site I mentioned earlier had a problem with the bonus at this casino and it was resolved. In my gambling days I never ever played at a casino that forced me to have the bonus as this is just plain wrong. I also never accepted a bonus as you can rarely meet wagering requirements. Bonus money is just a big con by the casino to "cheat" you out of your money. If you have to gamble then at least gamble smart! Something 99% of gamblers rarely do!

Posted : 22nd October 2011 11:38 am
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Day 10...it's come round again quite fast thank goodness. So tired today, worst nights sleep and feel like I'm getting a cold. Only good thing about feeling like this is that gambling thoughts couldn't be further from my mind!!!

Can't wait until tomorrow so that I can at least say I've beaten my last attempt!

Not much to report. Had a nice quiet weekend! Looking forward to taking it easy until December! xx

Posted : 24th October 2011 8:41 am
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Just remembered what I'd been thinking over the weekend...

I read some really heart wrenching diairies this weekend. Stories of people losing their houses, their partners, not having enough money for nappies etc. It made me realise that there are so many different extremes with this disease. I would never ever ever gamble away mortgage or bill money. I have never missed a payment in my life. I wonder what it is within each of us that makes some of us risk everything and others risk only what they can afford to? Not saying that I could afford to gamble away everything I have....far from it! My outstanding debts will prove that!

My heart goes out to those of you who have gotten to the stage where you would risk your home. I really do think myself lucky that I haven't got to that stage.

Lots of Love

Shorty xx

Posted : 24th October 2011 10:18 am
Posts: 0

Read your last post, I think I am lucky too Shorty, I still have my house, and can pay my bills, and don't owe anyone. My Mum always said neither a borrower or a lender be, and I have followed that, many times in the arcades people have come to me for money and I have said no, I dont lend, and I wouldn't borrow either.

Like you my heart goes out to those on here that are in a worse place than me, and yourself, just hopefully that with being on here they now have some help and it will turn their lives around.

Hope this doesn't sound awful to those who read it, I am by no ways squeaky clean, I have been lucky that I have had inheritance, and have been soooo stupid that I put it in a machine instead of doing something worthwhile with it. It is now at an end so I am on my own, so get a grip I say to me. Good luck, hugs x

Posted : 24th October 2011 8:54 pm
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You're so right Juliette we have a lot to be thankful for, it may not seem it sometimes but we could be in a worse position!

Day 11 woo hoo! Have officially beat my last 10 day attempt. Woke up this morning to a text message from the phone casino....saying 'we've noticed you haven't visited us in a while, we'd love to see you again at the phone casino'. Translation 'we'd love you to come and deposit all your hard earned cash so that you can live a life of stress, desperation and heartache'. No thanks mate, I have wised up to your methods to get your hands on my cash...I would rather spend it on my little girl 🙂

Have had no thoughts, no urges, don't really focus on the debt anymore. I know I can make my payments each month and if something out of the ordinary comes up I can juggle things about. I know that all I have to do is get through Christmas and by Feb I will have paid off one of my loans so will have an extra £150 a month 🙂

Looking forward to the future without gambling I hope you are too.

Lots of Love

Shorty xxx

Posted : 25th October 2011 9:01 am
Posts: 707

Excellent Shorty - keep it going. With every Loan you pay off, or credit card bill you reduce - as the min payments reduce you will be getting a little bit extra cash a month for yourself. I look upon it as getting a monthly payrise !

Posted : 25th October 2011 4:56 pm
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Day 12...definitely dreamt about being in a casino last night. And dreamt that I got a ridiculously good bonus from work which would never happen! Hopefully it's my brain removing gambling thoughts while I sleep!

Thanks for your post Michael. Looks like we both might have finally cracked it! (Fingers crossed, touch wood and all that!)

No urges, no thoughts. Was thinking last night that since I joined this site in May I have probably gambled on average once a month (compared to every day that has got to be an improvement!). I REALLY want November to be the month where I don't c**k up my budget by gambling. I want to see if I can happily live off the money in my account after all the bills have been paid. Am definitely starting to learn the value of money again now that I have no access to credit cards and just have my debit card. Before I just stuck everything on my credit card and then paid what I could off at the end of the month - how is that going to enable me to live within my means! Cutting up that last credit card is the best thing I ever did.

Wednesday already, the weeks seem to be flying by at the minute! So excited for Christmas 🙂 got over a week off and am going to LOVE being at home drinking mulled wine and getting fat eating too many mince pies!

Have a wonderful Wednesday peeps.

Lots of Love

Shorty xxxx

Posted : 26th October 2011 8:57 am
Posts: 0

Like you, cutting up my credit card was easily the best thing that I have ever done.

They are just another form of money-grabbing designed by people who think nothing other than how to steal money from hard working people like ourselves.

Yes, they are 'useful' for emergencies. But when we don't gamble, we will be in a far better position to deal with those emergencies when they come.

Have a good day.


Posted : 26th October 2011 9:20 am
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Never played Bingo in my life...not my sort of gambling. I like the quick fix that is roulette. So what do I get? An invite from a group of girls to go and play Bingo one night in November! Now...obviously this is classed as gambling but as it is not my 'usual' sort is it ok to go for social purposes? I have no interest in Bingo or fruit machines for that matter so I do think I could go and just class it as a night out.

Anyway, have said yes but I suppose if I start having doubts closer to the time I can make my excuses. It's like the grand national. I would always stick a fiver on a horse but have never bet on horses apart from that. After all this hard work though I don't want to risk opening the flood gates again.....decisions decisions!! xx

Posted : 26th October 2011 1:40 pm
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