Keep piling on the days my friend, I am to going to my Ga tonight, a great place to top up on the resolve that makes each day more enjoyable.
Just for today fella NO bet.
Duncs stepping forward never back.
Day 236
thanks Dunc,hope GA meeting went well for you last night.
I managed to get to mine. A very different meeting from the usual format-very interesting and some wise words spoken.
I took a lot out of last night's meeting, although i don't always agree with some of the advice and comments given.
We are all different and in our recovery and one size doesn't fit all.
Have a nice weekend Gamcare people.
You are right, we are all different in our recovery journeys. But to me, they all have one incredibly most important purpose.
And that is to stay well, well away from gambling.
You have done this for the last 236 days, well done. Keep it up!
Day 237 and 238 (34 weeks)
thanks NT for your post.
Doing fine.
Busy family weekend.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Day 239
Feeling fine if a little tired.
Lots to do but that's ok.
Day 240
Feeling fine.
Thanks to Flagg for letting me join the end of year thread-much appreciated
Day 241
More of the same-work,work work!!!!
Nothing wrong with work when it helps you stay gamble-free.
As long as you remember to give yourself little treats every now and then to reward yourself.
good to see those words reappear.
NO BET today
Enough said,just for today fella keep making the choice.
Duncs stepping forward never back.
Day 242
Thanks NT and Dunc for your wise words.
I'm doing fine today.
Will try and get to GA meeting tonight.
You are doing more than fine.
After all, it's day 242 for you!
Day 243
Thanks NT for your post.
Made it to GA last night and i'm better for the experience.
Looking forward to the weekend.
Hope everyone is well.
Looking forward to the weekend!!!!!!
Enough said!!
Keep making the choice,you will be all the better for it.
Duncs stepping forward never back.
Day 244,245 and 246
8 months ago today i started my recovery diary.
I sit here today a different person to that troubled soul who posted on the 5th March.
I'm aware that there is still a long way to go but I'm getting there one day at a time.
Thanks must go to my partner who has been incredible and to my beautiful kids- I love them all so much-thanks for allowing me to right the wrongs.
Thanks to the Gamcare posters,you know who you are and to the GA fellowship.
Best wishes,
Fella it brings me a huge amount of pride when reading your post today my friend,don't forget in all this one person made recovery and all it has delivered possible and that is you!!!
Take a bow,you earnt it WELL DONE.
Duncs inspired stepping forward never back.
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