This is my time

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Cheers Sharon,

Aye you are right the little things that matter, people talk about not being about to do things because they did not have the money or the time because they were gambling. It is so much more than that gambling suck everything out of you changes you as a person make you want to hide away. Only one thing for it face things head on no matter how bad things get.

Anyway it is Monday and the sun is shining.

Stay strong Stay G/f


Posted : 10th April 2017 9:03 am
Posts: 0
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Morning Folks,

Well back to my morning bible, coffee and read everyone's diaries from the night before. Not much to report getting my house ready to go on the market next month loads of stuff to chuck in the rubbish all in the garage now waiting to get picked up on Friday, then go on holiday for a week then get it on the market and move on.

Still Gamble free still reading everyone else post's, strange that I noticed last night when people leave here it is normally a sign that they have gone back to gambling not everyone but a few that are in the early days weeks months you see them for a while then they go then they are back with a relapse. I wonder why we find the need to gamble why is the urge so strong when you know what the end result will be, so strange.

Anyway I have got to get on it the day only three days left.

Stay Strong Stay G/f


Posted : 11th April 2017 7:21 am
Posts: 0

Hello Malkie,

Nice to see such longstanding diaries for new people such as myself, huge achievement for you being over 2 months gamble free now, it must be such a nice feeling, hearing about people enjoying life so much more being gamble free only motivates me further. All the best for future months.

- Chris

Posted : 11th April 2017 9:02 am
Posts: 0

Malkie!! Just had a mahoosive catch up on your diary!! You've done really well, I'm happy for you and your lil man. When you next do j**k chicken, plate me up some pleeeease!! Keep's a long process but your doing it. Rooting for you 🙂

Posted : 16th April 2017 7:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Malc

Missing your Monday morning catch up (even thou it's Tuesday ) and postive thoughts for the week . Hope your okay . Stay strong

Posted : 18th April 2017 9:37 pm
Matt 24
Posts: 752

Hi Malc,

Hope all is good your end pal. Stay strong


Posted : 21st April 2017 10:03 am
Posts: 0
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Evening all,

hows everyone getting on, well that is the holiday week over phew need a week off now to recover. Went to the wildlife park the big outside park took the train up the mountain walked and walk our doggie round some of the most beautiful scenery in the world Scottish highlands Cairngorms. Went to watch my friends family running a 10k yesterday came home went to bed had a 40th birthday party today feet up now work tomorrow.

best thing of all not even a hint of gambling did not even cross my mind, day 80 tomorrow 10 May will be 100 days result

Anyway stay strong stay G/f


Posted : 23rd April 2017 8:18 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Malc - you had me worried . However you sound like you're in a good place . Good to hear . 🙂 80 days ! Brilliant

Posted : 23rd April 2017 10:07 pm
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Morning Pwm, thanks for the post not a chance just been up to my eyes in busyness and holidays it was good really good just back to work now and time to read well look at the 500 emails great fun.

Anyway normal service will be restored with the posting.

80 days Woop who would of thought it, oh by the way If I can do this anyone can.

Stay strong people stay G/f


Posted : 24th April 2017 8:09 am
Matt 24
Posts: 752

80 days, top work Malc,

Not long and you are in the century club!

Posted : 24th April 2017 1:21 pm
Posts: 859

Congratulations on 80 days,fantastic achievement S 🙂

Posted : 24th April 2017 1:35 pm
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So a bit of a holiday update, Tescos points vouchers what a money saver they are, we went to the landmark centre big outside park if you are 4 years old (£60) for the day, Wildlife centre (£45) for the day and last but not least the train up the mountain (£25) for up and down. All in all £130 for nothing all thanks to tescos vouchers get on it people it free and the kids love it even the 40 year old kids.

Accommodation = £30 for the week no no not a tent a bonnie lodge courtesy of granda (he has a time share thingie) food and spending cash about about £300 for the week so all in all a week holiday in the scottish highlands for less the £500 for 7 days thats pretty good.

If you are bored get on the tescos vouchers and see whats available remember it free.

Stay Strong people Stay G/f


Posted : 24th April 2017 2:01 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning Folks,

So the beautiful scottish summer has arrived it snowing great stuff, anyway few comments last night reading the BBC news app and some lucky lad (19 years old) won 20k from a £3 football bet now heres what I am thinking good for him go bank it save it for a deposit on a flat go on holiday explore the world there lots out there, but this is the sad part there is another side which we all know about this win could lead to this young man having a life of misery he could want more and before you know it the 20k will be gone. I hope he takes the first option only time will tell, On another note why are the BBC allowed to make it a head line story people will then think it is easy.

Anyway on a brighter note, I was washing the little en's face this morning getting the sleepy dust out of his eyes, he asks daddy what are you doing, reply getting the sleepy dust out of your eye, answer only one eye was the other eye not sleeping priceless.

Anyway stay strong stay G/f


Posted : 25th April 2017 7:46 am
Posts: 216

Hi Malc,

Not been on much for last couple of weeks but so glad to hear you are doing well. Life without gambling is just so much better.

We had some snow up here (east coast) this morning too. Hopefully it'll get a bit warmer soon, it's almost May!! Loved reading about your experiences up in Aviemore area. We did the same thing a couple of years ago and also take advantage of the Tesco vouchers. Although I was in a gambling hell at the time, the kids had a great time at all of the places you mentioned. Did you go down the steep chute at Landmark?

Anyway, keep it up, not long until 100 days and it's onwards and upwards. I haven't been on as much since I hit 100 days and I'm now at 167. Best 167 days of my life!!


Posted : 25th April 2017 8:18 am
Posts: 0
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aha the Arab returns, how the hell are you 167 days are you having a laugh what a f*****g result that is.Yip did all the chute the roller coaster all of them about ten times each the school holidays were past so was not that busy up adn down up and down great fun.

You are right life with out gambling is so much better don't get me wrong there is still every day life s**t to deal with but just need to deal with it head on keep taking it day by day. To be honest the best thing I ever did was go speak to a counseller why I never did it 20 years ago god only knows but we can't change the past just look to the future.

Anyway glad things are going well for you, only 16 more days and that will be 6 months for you what a result, again you are an inspiration people like you that keep me pushing on taking it day by day.

Great to hear from you


Posted : 25th April 2017 8:40 am
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