Today I shall not gamble.

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Please to say I did not gamble today. That make it 3 weeks. However, the challenge will come when the weather is better and I got pay. Thank you all for your support.

Posted : 20th January 2013 7:29 am
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happy to say that i did not gamble today. payday looming.... stay strong stay gamble free

Posted : 21st January 2013 4:38 pm
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another gamble free day 🙂

Posted : 22nd January 2013 5:18 pm
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after a few week not gambling i am getting my urge back again. I am having to work very hard to kep it at bay.........

Posted : 23rd January 2013 5:39 pm
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please to say i am still gamble free, however the urges are back now i got paid........... I must stay strong....

Posted : 28th January 2013 7:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi jackson, pay day is always a difficult time for us compulsive gamblers so you must remain focused on why you came to this site. Gambling wrecks lives and no matter what the urges tell you the result is always the same. We cant win because we cant stop, ride those urges out they will pass. Take care blondie

Posted : 28th January 2013 10:50 pm
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Thank you blonde please to say I am 1 month gamble free.

Posted : 31st January 2013 8:00 pm
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Here I am back again- alot had happened in the last 3 years, My father passed away and he left me with a sizeable inheritence which I lost. My wife knew but she forgave me. I did not gamble for a while since but slip back into it especially when my wife is not home. In between this I have a baby who is almost 2 now. I set up a locum company in the last 2 years which brought me a sizeable income. I did however gamble occasionally but nothing big since I have no way of getting any money. You probably had guessed why I am here again after 3 years of absence. My baby and my wife went back to china as my wife couldnt handle my baby alone. Guess what? I have started gambling again and this time with my company's money. As I am no longer working as often as I did through my company my income had declined dramatically. Also my wife is asking where had all the money had gone to. I dont want to lose everything again, I just can't so hopefully I will keep up with this diary with gambling free days.

Posted : 24th September 2016 8:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jackson sorry to hear of your latest troubles but you need to ask why your still able to gamble? Self exclude from every bookies and casino you can,install blocking software etc maybe give your wife control? You can still save things and have a good life but you really need to commit to quitting. Maybe try and arrange some counselling as well. I always perceived it as a sign of weakness going to counselling but it's not at all,it's a very useful tool in the fight against addiction. I wish you well in your journey

Posted : 24th September 2016 11:09 pm
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Thank you for your reply. All my accounts are share but as my wife doesn't really deal with the business side of things she had no idea where the money has gone to. Furthermore, I understood I am going into total destruction. Just discover I was meant to be working yesterday thinking it was today. It is not just that I have missed out a sizeable income but also must have annoyed the hell out of my client. I am just so gutted about this. It is not a situation I want to find myself in at all when I am trying to quit but I shall not give myself any excuses.

Posted : 25th September 2016 3:05 am
Posts: 0

My husband is a CG and did the equivalent, over many years, he bled the equivalent of the Greek debt of of the family coffers and donated it to BetOnAnythingYouLike.Com by spread betting behind our backs. Family money included his salary that got diverted, my inheritance that evaporated and the children's savings that disappeared. Whilst gambling he lied, deceived, stole, cheated and betrayed. Our eggshell based relationship was abusive.

Having dragged the depths, he's gf for the time being. When it all came to light, he chose recovery, (the alternative was the door), he goes to meetings, he handed over financial control and cooperated with a financial regime, SE and blockers. He stopped lying to me and the children and himself. Nothing was or is easy, no overnight fixes but our lives are slowly becoming a whole lot better.

Things can change if things change. Would recommend honesty as a starting point. In practical terms, call the helpline and find a meeting.

Hope you do what it takes to change your situation for your sake.


Posted : 25th September 2016 7:42 am
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Cynical wife wrote:

My husband is a CG and did the equivalent, over many years, he bled the equivalent of the Greek debt of of the family coffers and donated it to BetOnAnythingYouLike.Com by spread betting behind our backs. Family money included his salary that got diverted, my inheritance that evaporated and the children's savings that disappeared. Whilst gambling he lied, deceived, stole, cheated and betrayed. Our eggshell based relationship was abusive.

Having dragged the depths, he's gf for the time being. When it all came to light, he chose recovery, (the alternative was the door), he goes to meetings, he handed over financial control and cooperated with a financial regime, SE and blockers. He stopped lying to me and the children and himself. Nothing was or is easy, no overnight fixes but our lives are slowly becoming a whole lot better.

Things can change if things change. Would recommend honesty as a starting point. In practical terms, call the helpline and find a meeting.

Hope you do what it takes to change your situation for your sake.


Thank you for your comment. It is extremely useful to listen from a relative point of view and I guess I could relate to your husband (not the sum I presumed he lost though). Lie is a lonely place to be but sometime there is just no other alternative. Something I will just have to go alone.

Posted : 25th September 2016 7:59 am
Posts: 832

There is a clear alternative. To lie is to choose

Posted : 25th September 2016 11:16 am
Posts: 0

Your present problems seem to be twofold. Firstly, you are deceiving yourself about what you are doing and why. Secondly, you believe your own deception. None of which helps you or those around you, because it promotes more of the same.

Real recovery depends on openness and honesty. You already know that gambling depends on secrecy.

Try a different approach and you will get different results.


Posted : 25th September 2016 4:02 pm
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