What a day!

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Hey girl 🙂

Well, guess why I'm here and now.CONGRATULATIONS on your 2yrs g free!!! This is just so inspiring and uplifting, way to go wee pal. May the light shines you the way for many more years to come. You are doing it and there is no way anything could stop you!! Awesome and am over the moon for you

Have a lovely and special day

S x (ps. Not sure if my intention is gonna work lol..but worth a try 😀 )

Posted : 10th November 2014 3:01 pm
Posts: 7071

Lol,, that's a little oversized facey 🙂 still, nice to see that beam and hope you have the same on on your face.

Thinking now if I'm a day too early lol, but have my congratulations a day before big celebrations in that case 😀

Spk soon girl xx

Posted : 10th November 2014 3:17 pm
Posts: 4422


A huge well done from me.

Outstanding achievement.

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 10th November 2014 3:45 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Last gambled 11/11/12- thanks wee pal Sandra (loving the big happy smiley!) and Duncs (you always know the right things to say!) and to everyone else who's been here for me.

Time has flown by so quickly. I find it hard to believe that 2 years has gone by since "that" day, one of my worst days, yet one of the most useful perhaps. It was the day I lost a shedload of money on online slots- a mega binge. It was also the day I admitted that gamling was ruining my life. Aside from losing money, I was losing self respect, losing interest in other aspects of life, and damaging relationships with family and friends (aside from losing the hours and hours I'll never recoup!). It was the day that my recovery to "normality" began. It was the day that I knew I had to stop- which is easier said than done.

The initial days are well documented in my early diary. I remember them now as a mish mash of emotions and worry. I've had to learn how to live my life again without sitting in front of a screen, to re-establish existing relationships and develop new ones. I remember too, how after a wee while abstinent I started to appreciate life again. I can honestly say I do not now miss the highs and lows I had when gambling (yet the "what ifs" still invade at times!).

Its taken hard work to avoid relapse. I've employed whatever I've needed to help me. I still practice my "diversions". I suspect the urges will never completely disappear and its my responsibility to be vigilant and to whatever I need to to minimise the risks for myself. I know that I never want to go back. I admit that the thought of relapse terrifies me.

I'm enjoying being me. Strangely, I'd forgotten what it was like to be Irene- the good bits and the not so good! I enjoy the people who are around me- my son, sister, new(ish) partner and of course my wee Paddy. I know that life won't be perfect and I accept that. I'll deal with the imperfect bits and challenges as they arise.

It'll take a helluva lot longer to clear the financial devestation that gambling caused, but I pay my debts as agreed and they are gradually reducing. I have enough to live on which is all that matters. By being cautious with my spending, I've saved for a holiday and am off later this week to sunnier climes!

I doubt I'd be where I am now if I hadn't found this forum and owe my peers a great big "thanks" for all the support and encouragement over the months. Although I'm rarely here (had to detox from GC!!!) I still pop in to see how you're doing from time to time. Gamcare's never far away- I keep the number handy just in case.


Posted : 11th November 2014 11:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Q.I

Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary of abstinance - fabulous effort and I remain not too far behind you!!

Have a fab holiday - you thoroughly deserve it.

Take care.

Your friend Feb.xx

Posted : 12th November 2014 1:18 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Irene,

Good to hear you touched the ground safely and had a nice time away.

Thank you for getting in touch and encouraging words. Do feel like under the watchful eyes sometimes lol which is a good thing, and keeps me on a short lead and off the streets for sure 🙂

Catch up soon wee pal, feel like a little ramble coming your way through email, brace yourself 😀

Keep up the fight, as always huge inspiration for this soul and surely many more of us on this site!

Woofs to Paddy

S x

Posted : 27th November 2014 9:44 am
Posts: 7071

Jeezz girl, page 11!! 🙂

Wanted to thank you for such a lovely update and know that this new "design" of the site is not your cup of tea...i am very very proud of you my wee pal, never ever forget that you are worth all the best and heavenly things on this earth. !!!!

Hugs and more hugs girl

Sandra xx

Posted : 30th January 2015 2:42 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Just a quickie to log that life's still good and I continue to enjoy the benefits of not gambling. Aside from finding this "new" site more difficult to navigate, I rarely have time to spend online nowadays.

I hope all my buddies are doing well and send my love x

Posted : 26th February 2015 7:29 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey wee pal 🙂

Thanks for touching the base and yep...few changes since we last spoke...and all is turning out nice i suppose 🙂

Look at ya!!!! No more words in this dictionary than - WELL DONE YOU!!

keep up the good work hun!

Sandra x

Posted : 27th February 2015 3:29 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Irene,

Glad to read to read that all is good in your world and you remain gamble free.

Warm regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 1st March 2015 1:30 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi girl

Our amazing & inspiring soul ☺

Hope this finds you well Irene. Thank you for ur unconditional support as always.

Stay safe, keep being happy and at peace

S x

Posted : 1st November 2015 2:05 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Well well, its now more than 3 years since I gave up online gambling. My family and my wee Paddy are still the focus of my life.

So much has changed, and yet nothings changed in the years that have passed. I still take a minute each day to be thankful what I've got love, life and health. For so long I chased the "big win"- I dont miss that chase, I win every day. There will always be challenges to face, which I recognise and accept. I still struggle financially but am gradually paying my gambling debts. I continue to relish the feeling of paying cash for anything I need, or saving for the things that I want. I still take on extra work when I need to, but dont do it regularly any more.

I still remember that rubbish feeling in the pit of my stomach 11/11/12 when I realised that I'd dug myself a big hole. I pray that I never feel like that again. Its a useful memory when the urges strike (they still do, but very infrequently) and one I pull on to keep me determined to move forward.

Loving life and loving being me!



Posted : 17th November 2015 9:31 pm
Posts: 7071

My wee pal ☺ WOW!!! What can i say...you lit my heart and soul once again, - recovery is possible! You are living proof of that.

Am i proud of you? Well...if you was near by you could witness my geeky smile and happiness shining through this face!

Love it! Keep on living - you're worth it darking! Catch ya soon ☺

Sandra...the lil naughty one 🙁 😀 xxx

Posted : 17th November 2015 10:18 pm
Posts: 4422


It's so great to read that life is treating you well. The contribution you gave to the forum is testament to the effects of a commitment to recovery.

Keep enjoying the good things in your life they will far outweigh the bad.

Even more so without the self destruction that is the active feeding of addiction.

Thanks for sharing.

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 18th November 2015 7:55 am
Posts: 7071

Hey wee pal ☺

Is it time to buy a hat yet? Or...as always I'm too late lol

Hope all is good in your world and you're enjoying every single day in recovery!

Hugs sweets

S x

Posted : 28th June 2016 12:35 am
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