Year 5.o

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Well here i am today marks 4 years gamble free to the day....


Had a good day today....spent nine hours helping a friend move to another town.....lots of steps....lots of exercise.....he is now safely in.


Got overtime next weekend so ill have a lie in tomo and rest up in order to get ready for the week ahead next week.


Been great helth wise not had a sick day touch wood since 15 weeks ago.....will aim for new year without a sick day and go from there.


Will look to get to the new year gamble free then start a fresh new year.


Many thansk to everyone for their support on here.....


Short post but pretty tired.


Will post more tomo.



Posted : 2nd December 2023 10:33 pm
Posts: 371

4 years to the day is a great achievement I know that some times the days wain on a individual but we are all here supporting each other one way or the other. I am 760 odd days gamble free and still have massive stress and money worries but the reality is I have more of my ducks in a row than sinking underwater in my gambling addiction. Recovery is best and well done for helping you’re friend. What comes around goes around X 

Posted : 3rd December 2023 12:41 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6177

Hi Adam

Many congratulations to you and your 4 years and all the commitment you have put in over that time. Thank you for continuing to share. 

Best Wishes


Forum Admin

Posted : 3rd December 2023 5:22 am
Posts: 458

Welldone adam. Xx

Posted : 3rd December 2023 6:51 pm
Posts: 2938
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thansk dave stace and fiona xx


Right new diary new plan of action......


Love my objectives so im going to make some for the next 6 motnhs.....


What not to change:

Zero drugs 14 years soo far...... dont change this!!!!

Zero alcohol aug 2018 last drink...... dont change this!!!!!

Zero Ciggerettes.... dec 2016 last ciggerrette.... dont change this!!!!!

Control finances each month thru spreadsheet analysing ways to save and budgeting to save 7k this financial year....2800 more to save by aprill.....dont change this!!!!!!


what to change:

This month ive got free gym pass so ill be going every other day if possible....ill make usre im doing my 10k steps....friday just gone done 17k, saturday 14k sunday 10k so will look to exercise on weekends too looking to improve my fitness.  look to use the gym a lot when it opens to get the most out of my membership and lose some weight.


Look to spend less on food and energy.... in progress...looking this month to spend 20p each day on coffee at waitrose rather than the average of 2 pounds each day ive been spending... Looking to spend a max of 130 on energy over the next 5 months so i will spend average of 100 pounds a month for the year.


Look....i havent even mentioned the gambling its not popped into my head that is great....finally zero spent on gambling.....thru december and into the new year...year 5 here we go...come on...boom




Posted : 4th December 2023 9:11 pm
Posts: 371

Sounds like some good plans Adam. Keep it up and fit too 🙏

Posted : 5th December 2023 12:29 am
Posts: 2938
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Another good day at work...worked hard.....bought 50p bread for my free coffee....and thats it....looking to stick to plan.

Posted : 5th December 2023 11:25 pm
Posts: 2938
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bought a bannana and that is all today.... feeling really tired today.....took some vitamins tonight......three more days of work then sunday off...will rest sunday.

Posted : 6th December 2023 10:40 pm
Posts: 2938
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done 11.5k steps today....bought ketchup for free coffee....2 more days then a day off....will rest up tonight

Posted : 7th December 2023 6:41 pm
Posts: 2938
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Im with octopus energy for my energy and they do saving sessions where they pay u credit to not use energy thru peak periods.....its on for like 12 sessions a period (hopefully more soon)...but for the first two i sat in the dark and snoozed and used no energy whatsoever......just got an email saying for the forst two i saved £4.15


result eyyyyyy so now ive got that off my next bill.....result.....


Ive also found a deal with samsung to get a free years sunscription for disney plus thru my brother in law who bought a samsung i should have that to watch soon....


went and bought some ketchup 90p for my coffee today and thats all i spent today.


feeling particularly savvy.

adam xx

Posted : 7th December 2023 11:14 pm
Posts: 2938
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another 2 days have passed.....went to bed super early last night 11.5 hours sleep......then work today.....was pretty good....then afternoon at home and pappa johns saturday treat....boy i know how to live ey haha....going to gym tomo then watch spurs......7 more days of work before a christmas break.... now to look at my finances and then early night.

Posted : 9th December 2023 9:02 pm
Posts: 2938
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Woke up today.....ate some porridge...went to gym walked 5 kilometres, 10,000 steps, went to sauna, came back ate a pasty, watched city, had a bath, then wathced the mighty spurs win horray ..... very good day....also slept very well friday and saturday night..... feel like ive got my mojo back.....gonna go on chat tonight in bed then get another early night.


Done overtime on saturday 5.5 hours....also done 3 hours weekend 85 quid coming on top of next months paycheque....really happy with will pay for my energy bill.


Speaking aboyu the energy bill i am with octopus and they do saving sessions where u opt in to an hour early evening when they want to reduce their usage and for the amount of energy u save in that hour they pay u in i sat in the dark for those hours and slept...and as a result of the fitst two theyve done ive got £4 coming back in credit...not too bad really.


Also i have managed to work out how to get sky sports working on my chromebook for the membership thart my friend i can watch on chromebook now wirthout paying even tho im only paying 15 quid a month for sky sports ive now cancelled it witth now tv to save that means i cant watch prem games on my big tv but i have a lot of other things im spending my money on and subscriptions to use ie ive got disney plus, tnt sport, sky cinema, sky entertainment, along with xbox to play, and music on spotify that ive now signed up to premium for three all in all im getting the best deal for means that now for my internet, tv licence, mobile phone and all those subscriptions im paying under 50 pounds a month in really really good....Have to remember tho to learn not to get into any big long contracts in future to give me the option to stop it when i fancy....


That's about ti for an update...ive got one full week left of work then a monday and tuesday following week then 7 full days off for mo ive been 16 weeks witthout a sick day...came close this week just gone as was so tired but just got to rest at rights times...ive also been taking vitimans my dad gave me so i cn hopefullly not get ill..ill aim for the half year mark in two months time and go from there...#


#all the best adam xx

Posted : 10th December 2023 7:49 pm
Posts: 2938
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Another couple of days have passed.


Been to work....not spent much...worked on saving mone thru spending less on my energy bill...


Looked to get overtime at work..


Boss signed off now till 10th jan....


Hopefully this should mean i defo get some overtime in my current role.....we will see


All the best adam xxx

Posted : 12th December 2023 11:38 pm
Posts: 2938
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evening.....done 1.5 hours overtime today...... 15 pounds in the right direction

Posted : 13th December 2023 9:32 pm
Posts: 2938
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Last day of work today for a week.....really been enjoying work lately.....emma from the business office bought me a present of a small book of jokes that she said i could go around hospital i do tell a lot of jokes this is a great present and a nice thoughtful present to get.  Im off work now till 27th so will try to disconnect from work thoughts and reconnect with relaxing restful thoughts thru the week.


Going to put up my blinds this week hopefully not the end of the world if i dont and the main thing is to have a restful week i feel.


Managed to start a user guest profile on a friends disney plus that he got for free......really excited as able to watch 4k ultra hd on 100 of disneys i watched Star wars force awakens tonight....the colours are soo immersive and vived on my new tv loved it.....going to watch all of the star wars this week i going to watch indiana jones maybe ironman as i like that too...


Also tonight when i got back i watched love actually on now tv in my bedroom....really enjoyed it.


Also between 5pm and 6pm there was a saving session tonight so i sat in the dark again using no energy for that hour...means i should get another 2 pounds off my energy bill this thinking soo far theres been 7 saving sessions so ive saved about 14 pounds off my bills soo far.


Theres a few things id like to frame in my lounge like a picture my niece done for me and some photos taken at the spurs like to put them up.  Plus im going to get some throws for the settee that match.  Plus do the blinds.... so theres a few things before my flat is all done.....


But in all honesty im loving my flat ...... its a shame the heating is expensive well its not too bad but im such a tight a**e that id rather be cold than spend another 100 pounds a month being warm..... soo far this year ive literally only spent forty to fifty pounds on gas heating....i pay 100 pounds direct debit and my credit is 130 pounds and hasnt gone done since november when i turned the heating on first.


Im pretty happy with settled and keeping everything ticking along.... the site is looking good i left it in a very good state today theres no leaves around outside swept them all up, waste is in order, deliveries were all taken windows are all clean........ so im happy with that.


Got a 4 pound lunch today at work which was a nice treat pizza and chips lovely.......


Id like to save around the 600 pounds mark this month even tho its historically my most expensive the moment im on 606 so spending 6 pound for the rest of the month is pretty optomistic but im not going out for any meals....and ive got all my food in...and ive bought all the presents i u never know.


Also this month to celebrate my 4 year gamble free mark i bought myself a lego optimus prime....going to put it together after christmas....


Recovery going at a great pace.....not thought about gambling for a while.....watched some slots on you tube recently but ill never use any i know better....i know i wouldnt be able to control it.....


all the best adam xx




Posted : 19th December 2023 11:27 pm
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