1 year GF

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Hi everyone,

I wanted to spread a bit of hope and positivity to anyone who is struggling to get a hold of this horrible addiction that is gambling. 

I only realised today that I've reached a whole year gamble free and although hard at the begining it is one of the greatest and proudest things I have achieved its sounds daft considering its something that I brought on myself and the stress and anxiety that I caused alone but with the help of the councilors my partner and pure willpower here i am....

If you want it enough to stop then you CAN do it my advice is please speak to someone open up and let it all out the councilor I had regular chats with was brilliant it really helped, set goals small ones and day by day week by week you'll see the results try to set some money aside each week/month if you can doesn't matter how little you'll see it grow and that feeling of being in control of your finances will come back it's incredible how much you'll start to respect money again and more importantly start to respect yourself.

Don't let the bookies win by giving them your money because we all know that they always win you are nothing but a number to them you are a cash machine you are a source of income they are not your friend. So take back the power and don't give up hope. 


Take care guys 


Posted : 25th September 2021 7:54 am
Posts: 129



That's brilliant! Well done! You should be really proud of yourself. 

Wishing you all the best for a gamble free future. 


J x

Posted : 25th September 2021 8:18 am
Posts: 6
Topic starter

@jess27 Thank you i hope if people read this they can cling on to some belief that they can turn their lives back around for the better.

I'm here to help support anyone who needs it as well as continuing to help myself. 


All the best 



Posted : 25th September 2021 8:40 am
Posts: 19

Excellent, Molly Moo. Your determination has got you where you are today.

I, too, am 1 year gambling free today. It's been tough. No doubt about it. Still paying off the debt accrued from last year, but in another year's time it will be paid off. Never again will I succumb to the gambling madness.


Posted : 30th September 2021 4:12 pm

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