April Fools!

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Day 8.

A long 12 hour day in work today 😴. However, some laughter in the office, which is always good for the soul. Ordered a big Sainsbury’s food shop, to be delivered tomorrow, courtesy of my sister, who, so kind, thoughtful and non judgmental, sent me an e voucher for £50.00! 😇🥲.  I have spent this wisely and cashed in even more on my nectar offers and extra bonus points.👌.  Only for my sister, I would not be eating much this month!  The actual shame and embarrassment of typing this!🙈. I mentioned this earlier on in my diary and told my sister - “this is the end FOR BOTH OF US - me borrowing any more money from you and you bailing me out”!  My sister is currently going through her own grief so does not need this from me, now or for evermore and that’s that!

Working from home tomorrow so that’s a good feeling 👌.

“April fools - no more the fool”!

Take care all.

Pink Lady. 🍎.

Posted : 9th April 2024 11:46 pm
Posts: 477
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Day 9.

Worked from home today which was good but oh this toothache, made even worse by a bit of my back tooth broke off also!🙈. All this will have to wait until at least next pay day. 😔. Have already paid out £750.00 in total on this problem tooth, now another to add to it!  As the saying goes……. It never rains……

On a brighter note - got out for a walk after work, even though at the time I did not really feel like it but told myself that I would feel better for it, which I did. On my walk, I pondered on the things I was grateful for today, which where:-

- Grateful to have my sister for support 😇

- Grateful that I was able to work from home today 👍

- Grateful for the Post man arriving just after I had posted my card in the post box, to my friend 👌

- Grateful for the nice meal I was able to make/enjoy. 😋

- Grateful that I was able to relax this evening. 

Another day done.

Take care all. Stay strong and be kind to yourself.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 10th April 2024 10:58 pm
Posts: 477
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Day 10 - double figures!

Thinking of different things, other than gambling and this is not being forced which is an advantage. Will keep this post short as this toothache is wearing me down. 😖.  Night all.

”April fools - no more the fool”!


Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 11th April 2024 11:29 pm
Posts: 136

It's been really good reading how far you've come I'm 10 days!! 

Sorry to hear about the toothache, some dentists offer payment plans for things if it means you can get sorted sooner rather than later.... 

Keep up the positivity 😃😃😃

Posted : 12th April 2024 5:59 am
Posts: 477
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@brownie889 Thank you Brownie. 🙂. It’s nice to know of other people at the same amount of days as myself. I cannot get a payment plan, due to my poor credit rating so have to pay the full price all the time. 👎.  I wouldn’t mind, I can afford the monthly payments as well!🤷🏻‍♀️.  I have a bug bear with poor credit scoring systems - tells them nothing really of your current circumstances and often, is never fully up to date!😡. Anyway, enough about them - I want to have a good day!😅.

Take care on your journey and remember to be kind to yourself.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.



Posted : 12th April 2024 9:21 am
Posts: 477
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Day 11.

Non working day today so just a quiet one to myself, which can be good for the soul and to reflect.

Aintree Ladies Day in my hometown! Recorded it and just fast forwarded to check out all the outfits - was not that impressed I must say and the bit I wanted to see - who won the Style Awards prize, did not record!  Anyway, that’s about as far as it went regarding Aintree.

Went out for a walk and then round to my sister’s, to water her pots while she is away. Spent some time pondering my life and how I can improve it financially so got some plans in mind (none of which entails gambling).  Far from it actually 👍.

Take care all and stay strong in your abstinence. Onwards and upwards. 

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 12th April 2024 11:28 pm
Posts: 457

Well done pink lady, another day done. 
I gave abba another try. Gotta say I’m still not getting it! Songs about money money money 😂

Keep up the good fight 💪

Posted : 13th April 2024 8:37 am
Posts: 477
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@p6z38njbqm Ha ha!  I forgot about that one! Maybe we should both fast forward when it comes to that song. 😊. However, there is always other ways to earn some extra money - I have got an interview this afternoon for Tesco! Just two nights.  I only work three days per week in my permanent job so what with the further mess I got myself into and the ridiculous cost of living over the last four years, needs must.  I am actually quite looking forward to it and hope good news comes from it. 🙏.

Take care and may your weekend be a peaceful one.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎


Posted : 13th April 2024 11:54 am
Posts: 477
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Day 12.

Had an interview earlier for Tesco - just 2 nights per week but just looking to earn some extra money, on top of my current part-time job.  Think this is the better option of getting some additional money from now on. I must admit, I was a little surprised to be interviewed by two people and asked around 15 “situational” questions!! To be honest, not sure if they thought I was too over qualified?? I really would like this little extra job though!  I will find out tomorrow but not holding out too much hope, as there were another 7 candidates I was told. 😏.  What will be, will be I suppose. 🙂.

Watched the Grand National race as it is in my hometown but did not even think about the gambling side of it 👍.

Take care all.

”April fools” -  “no more the fool”.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 13th April 2024 7:59 pm
Posts: 457

Good luck with the job. Be awesome to hear some good news. Well done on the focus. Stay away from the gambling, oh and the abba. They are a bad influence 😂

Posted : 13th April 2024 8:03 pm
Posts: 477
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@p6z38njbqm Thanks 🐟😊. Going to stick to…… “see that girl, watch that scene, digging the dancing queen” 💃🏻 from now on!🤣. No more “money, money, money”! 🤪.

Take care.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 13th April 2024 11:17 pm
Posts: 5

Wishing you all the best with the job news Pink Lady.

Good early progress on staying gamble free. Well done!

Posted : 14th April 2024 11:12 am
Posts: 477
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@kv1r3gn4jt Thank you so much.  Watch this space!


Posted : 14th April 2024 11:22 pm
Posts: 477
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Day 14.

A non working day for me today so having a lazy morning. Weather not the best - cold, rain and blustery conditions. 👎. Nothing much on either so just going through the motions until work tomorrow.  Blocks still in place but this time, I can feel it in my bones that I am “done for good” with gambling and the financial and emotional devastation it has brought me over the years.

Take care all.

”April fools - no more the fool”.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.


This post was modified 6 months ago by Pink Lady
Posted : 15th April 2024 10:09 am
Posts: 477
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Day 15.

Late night working tonight so feeling really tired and still got toothache!😔 Dental appointment not until 3rd May, but not because they had no appointments until then - because I gambled almost all of my wages for this month so I have to wait until I am next paid!  Like I said, things just seem to feel different this time around - “enough really is enough”!

”April fools - no more the fool”!

Goodnight all.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 16th April 2024 11:33 pm
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