Hahah step away from the air wick!!! Carol I get it totally- I have waves and urges too- it’s normal and we can ride them out. Maybe plan how to fill the time when your family are gone? I noticed my triggers are definitely stress , boredom and loneliness .
I’ve been binge tv watching, on the sopranos now, it does help. Might need to start decorating when it ends and can’t find anything else to watch. Ooer me and a paintbrush is a lethal combination!
Yes Sosad I’m getting a massage. And I’m making my appointment soon. Tracy I will plan things to do when their away. I could do some painting. I’ve wanted to change the color in my kitchen and bedroom for a while. Ok sosad we can compare notes, on how to paint without making a mess or covering the dogs in paint.
But carol it is tradition in my house that the dogs get painted:). I’ve got a day off tomorrow, mmm not good on a Saturday, going to be tough I’m sure but I will not be defeated now. I want those air fresheners Tracy!:)
I too have been binge watching TV - just started Veep and really enoying it! You are all doing so well! Keep it going.
Veep?? Never heard of that one I’ll have a look see. Done 5 seasons of sopranos in two weeks only one season left uh oh! Imagine Tuesday lil you’ll be the first one of us to achieve that major step:)
Painting sounds good ladies- poor dogs! My favourite binge series was Ozark- dunno if you have seen it or if it’s gonna be your cup of tea but there are 2 series - Jason Bateman is lead character (eye candy for me) and it’s AMAZING. It’s on Netflix so get a free months trial if you haven’t got it. I’m on my 3rd “free” month hahaha. Different emails and free tele! Let me know if you watch it . I can guarantee it will be a good binge fest. Also designated survivor - fab!
Helloooo ladies and gent....I got paid today!! Feeling good that it went into my partners new account
! He took me out for lunch and then we went and bought my high level duster!!!
Had a fab day! Duster bought, impromptu visit by some friends, drunk on gin, plans made for a fortnights time...would never have allowed myself to make plans beofre. (I knew I would have blown all my wages)
Great to read you’re all still gf!
Sarah!!!!! I am sooooooo made up for you lovely! Hold on to that brilliant feeling and thanks for sharing it. It’s given me such a boost. You should be so proud and nice purchase on the high level duster haha. Seriously a big well done hunny! :))))))))
Wow Sarah just wow!! So glad you feel happy about it too and now you’ve given us all a boost. A big bloody well done:)))
Thanks ladies!
Today I am keeping that positivity and taking my gran out for a birthday lunch! That’s right....staying gf has enabled me to be a lady that lunches lol.
Wishing you all a fabulous weekend xx
Yes I did watch ozark but not sure about the Bateman thing but whatever floats ya boat tracyd whatever floats ya boat:). So am cleaning again today,my house has never been so clean but keeping me busy. Long dog walk if I can get my lazy greyhound to move, looking doubtful judging by his curled up in a ball position! Lost my other one a few weeks ago to old age but she would walk for miles and miles, this one thinks a 5 minute walk is an effort! Today’s proverb - never get a greyhound if you want to get fit:))
Sosad! Bateman definitely floats my boat haha. Glad to see everyone is busy and Sarah is becoming a lady that lunches- ooooooo 🙂 hope your gf weekend is fabulous ladies x
Veep is great, very funny! Love Sopranos - I've got a bit of a cold at the mo' and so am trying to distract myself from the tablet..
sosad wrote:
Veep?? Never heard of that one I’ll have a look see. Done 5 seasons of sopranos in two weeks only one season left uh oh! Imagine Tuesday lil you’ll be the first one of us to achieve that major step:)
Well another day done and dusted, 27 now, holey schmoley!! Finished sopranos, couldn’t get into veep (tried really hard). 4 days til mop day:)). I’ve also made plans for lunch next week on my day off which I would never normally do as it would be my gamble all day day. I’ve also put on half a stone (I need to) in 2 weeks, no stress, more appetite I’m assuming. Oh lord next month I’ll be on a diet:))). Hope the doo lally gang have all been good and keep going you lot keep going 🙂
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