I’m so happy for everyone:))) I haven’t bought the mop I’m still in bed but I have read my statement!!! Amazing just bloody amazing. Soon as I’m up and about that mop is mine! What an amazing achievement we’ve all done.
Taaaaadaaaaaa! The mop is bought! I smiled the whole time at the checkout! The checkout girl asked me if I was having a good day, I thought if only you knew what this mop means:)). Haven’t actually got the energy to use it but that’s besides the point!! It’s here it’s mine it’s paid for!!! I’ll bet your all as happy as me with your little treats. What’s next???
Well done!! So pleased for you!
Hope you are over the flu good lady and feeling much better.
Well done on getting the mop but the story doesn't end there. You have set off on what could be the adventure of a lifetime. Who knows what opportunities might present themselves to you.
Having stepped out from the gambling bubble you might feel a little exposed but you need have no fear. You are a strong lady with a good sense of humour and you also have the courage, wisdom and imagination that will help you to explore the gamble free world around you. Plus you are supported by other members of the mop club.
I have been getting tweets from members of the "Mop Club Ladies Fan Club" and reprint a few below."
Mario from Barcelona tweets .... "Sosad Rocks."
Patrick from County Cork tweets .... "Mop Club Ladies float my boat."
Sheila from Brisbane tweets.... "C'mon ladies. You can do this no probs."
Godfrey from Buckinghamshire tweets ...."You are all doing jolly well."
Keep up the good work Sosad. Best wishes to you and your merry band of gamcare warriors ...Stephen
Wow Stephen who woulda thought we’d be getting tweets:)). Haha love it!! Well I’m a very happy bunny knowing I rock! I think tho the time has come to change my name now, sosad is dead and buried never to rise again. I’m not being complacent I’m just never going back to that state ever ever again so I need an upbeat catchy new moniker. Any ideas? Clean ones only!! Where’s chairman airwick gone??
Hiya all- seems like I have been away ages!! It’s like 2 days I think haha. The hubby took me away for the weekend. It was so nice as normally I would be a bit peeved as this would be my “play time”. No more! Ive been paid and my house smells just amazing!! Plug ins bought. Wow, we did it moppers... sosad- you got the mop - YESSS. As Stephen said, it’s just the start but look how far we have all come. I am so impressed with the tweeting! My my, who would have thought that we would be tweeted when you started this soasad haha.
hmmm the name- as you are a famous tweet celebrity, should you change it ? Haha. Maybe tweak it to notsodad? Not sure, what takes your fancy for a name my dear? Maybe bring in your real name like the other moppettes? We will come up with a good one between us I’m sure:) thanks again for all being wonderful- Hope you all have an amazing week :))
so glad your back mrs airwick I thought you’d had a relapse. Few days away how lovely for you and then back to a nice smelling house, what more could a gal ask for? We certainly do rock!
Hey Tracyd - glad you had a good weekend! It seems that we are all doing so well! Keep it up everyone!
The mop has been used and what a lovely mop she is! Filled the car with fuel, so long since I’ve done that and it’s all the little things like that that makes so much difference. Air fresheners here I come!!
Morning Notsosad. I hope you are over the flu and are having a good week.
Congratulations on your excellent progress, I see you are now 38 days away from your last gamble.
It is difficult for us to not gamble because we have done it for so long it has become a habit as well as an addiction plus friends and family sometimes don't understand the problem we have. It takes a lot of courage to stay gamble free but it is worth it.
Take good care of yourself and keep smiling...Stephen x
The mop club ladies thread has gone a bit quiet lately but hopefully you are all ok.
Stopping gambling is by no means easy. Although it has caused us great upset, it has been with us for quite a while and has become a habit as well as an addiction.
We all want to give meaning to our lives and be happy and contented but that is not going to happen as long as we are gambling. If anybody has slipped up, I hope you can get back up and continue on your gamble free adventure. Maybe change a few things so that recovery does not seem so daunting...Stephen x
Hiya! I was thinking about why I haven’t been on much and it’s because I have been busy and really not thinking about gambling that much. I think I was on every day in the beginning because it gave me strength- still does but I’m guessing it’s a good thing as I am also using my own strength a bit more. Can’t believe how much my urges have waned and they are pretty fleeting! I know that doesn’t mean I am home and dry though but for now, it feels bloody brilliant. I hope everyone is ok and keeping up the brilliant work! Has everyone got their domestic treat items now?? Sosad I am so pleased the mop has been christened! :))
Just wanted to stop by and commend you on the great progress you're making taking back control your life. 'Sod gambling' as they say.
I've been looking in on you sporadically (not always posting) but sorry to say I am completely lost with the mop thing... Thinking about it I think the reason I have looked in and never posted is because the mop seems to feature most heavily in your posts these days and I have no idea what you're going on about so this invariably leaves me lost for a response :o)
Anyway keep going! It's really uplifting to read how well youre doing.
Haha thank you! I will explain the mop briefly. Sosad started a conversation about how we needed to reward ourselves for being gf with our first wages that weren’t drained through gambling. Her treat was a simple but much longed for mop, we then all chose our quirky “treats” to strive for... air fresheners, dusters, wellies. The mop was the driving force! Hence “moppettes” “ mop club” etc etc. You could say that sosads mop is our little gangs mascot 🙂
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