My second half of 2024!!!!! I'm aiming for the stars

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Here i am on my summer holiday with my folks..... resting and recharging in preperation for the start of the second half of 2024...... Ive taken (including these two weeks off) half my annual holiday...... so ive still got plenty of time to rest thru the rest of the year...... I should be very well rested tho after this break and am ready already to tackle work with eagerness and passion...... i  will strive to do my best and enjoy each day as it comes.......


Im in Devon and this place is epic..... it has a pool...... it has gym....a bar.... a restuurant......lodges have tvs balcony kitchen and lounge.....really going to enjoy myself......


Work is great tbf at the mo...... my supervisor had been off sick for a year and this has given me the opportunity to step up and act accordingly....... Weve become a close net team and the work we are doing is going noticed...... Ive been doing all i can to stand out and hopefully it will go noticed and i will get some more hours overtime to go with it.


My home life is great at the mo Ive been concentrating on computer games and my physical fittness, i know you must be saying those are the complete opposite of one and other but firstly at the start of april i decided i have a health kick by eating fresh food and doing more walking....i  found out thru watching you tube that a lot of peoplle say the best form of exercise for weight loss is not running or rowing at a quick pace in short bursts its actually walking as u can do it for longer and gets less injuries long term..... well this is soo true...... since april ive walked further and further to the point where im walking 2.5 hours a day continuous walking...... during a step challenge week my best day was 459 mins continuous walking in one day allmost 8 hours...... i walked 18 miles....I have eaten mostly bolognese (with plenty of veggies), jacket pots, ommlettes, veggie soup, baked beans and hoops...... and ive gone from a 38 waist to easily a 36.


Now to focus on gambing also ..... last week impulsively well over course of two days  i thought tht i might like a playstation 5...... now ive already got a new xbox.....and pay 3 pounds a month for game pass ultimate.....but i impulsively spoke to my mum about it.....shw said its my  money....and i thought ive saved well over past six months why not spend a third of money saved on a new console and subscritpion for games.....So i spent 350 on the console then impulsively spent 450 on playstation plus premium 6 years worth (cheaper the more u buy) then was left with spending 170 on playstation credit for gta six when it comes out and any other games i may wish to buy....





Posted : 17th June 2024 11:42 pm
Posts: 2938
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Id like to try and continue this health kick over the next six months and try and lose another trouser size.


Along with not partaking in any vices.


I can do it.


long may this health kick continue.

Posted : 17th June 2024 11:54 pm
Posts: 371

Adam it's pleasure reading your recovery journey, really kicks home what other awesome things you can do other than gambling and I really like the gaming and healthy living style with exercise. I can relate to that myself. I have switched from walking to swimming due to excessive walking and small injuries and I am loving swimming at the moment. 

I read and comment on a lot of posts but you can really see your true good nature and character coming through and I really hope you get noticed and get that promotion.


Hopefully catch you in chat room one day

Keep it up


Just for today I will not gamble and remember not to add glue to my sandwiches in the morning.

Posted : 18th June 2024 2:12 am
Posts: 2938
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wow dave thats really cheered me up and given me a boost of confidnece and self esteem.... many thanks.


Just on my last day of holiday today...... long car journey tomo back to sussex.....


Got a pretty nice tan already and the weather looks like itll be nice next week too.


Looking forward to the following week where im still off work going to go to gym lots and eat a bit more healthy......


Onwards i go on this journey.....striving to be the best i can be..... as long as i dont gamble ill be in a great position.


Adam xx

Posted : 20th June 2024 6:33 pm
Posts: 649

Well done Adam. The holiday to Devon sounds just perfect👌😎. Why not treat yourself? You work hard and you have saved and you remain g.f👏👏👏👏. Enjoy it all.

keep up the hard work on all fronts.

Pink Lady🩷🍎.

Posted : 21st June 2024 9:46 am
Posts: 2938
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Hi Pink Lady thansk for popping by...... boy im in a great place....i should be able to save the money spent on the ps5 in two months to get me back to where i was and i should still be able to pay off 7k of debt this year... if i really watch what im spending for the last 10 months......


Brouht a ps5 controller last night (60 pounds ) pretty pricey..... but its the last thing that i need....and means when friends come over we can play together at same time.....


A friend came over today and we spent a few hours playing gran turismo...... great great fun.....really really impressed by the wohle game....... so in total yesturday and today ive spent 12 hours playing it...... and ive completed 19% of the trophies  think ive doen 9 out of 54......


It really is great to play the graphics on my tv are immence.


So ive not been to the gym  for two days as yesturday i also went to my sisters to check out her house as theyve had the downstairs renovated..... its like australian living now with a large kitchen diner with byfold doors leading to the garden an windows on the roof..... really nice.


Ive had 9 days off work now and have totally forgotten about it to be fair...... i think its a good idea to have a  week stint off once a years as you totally disconnect from work for a while and focus on yourself......


The euros have been great soo far and we are only half way thru..... |England game tuesday to lock us into the last 16...... im back at work just after last 16 games......


Got a discount on my gym membership and got an appointment with the instructor tomo to go thru how its been going...... before yesturday i went to gym 8 days in a row and have been doing more weights to increase my strength in the shoulder i had the operation.....seems to be working and my posture is improving.


All the best Adam xx

Posted : 23rd June 2024 11:43 pm
Posts: 2938
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Boy it feels like ive been off work a long time..... been off 10 days and still got 6 left.......feel well rested and happy......need to cut back on spending now so making sure im spending nothing each day....  Got plenty of food........just need to buy milk and bread and im sorted for the bolognese for a friend tomo and watching the england gme....then some friends coming over wednesday to sit in my garden..... all in all good things to do that cost nothing......


All the best Adamxx

Posted : 24th June 2024 9:16 pm
Posts: 2938
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Right been off for 11 days and my fitness exercise regime has taken a step back..... got to get back to it.....


Tomo morning gym.....

Posted : 25th June 2024 10:02 pm
Posts: 2938
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was going to start a new diary but this one is a pretty good read...... puts accross what im trying to achieve.


Yesturday i bought a vr headset for the playstation...... played gran turismo on it today and its fair to say its crazy hahaha......


Having some friends over tomo.... bbq


Oooh yeah and im off this weekend , monday tuesday and wednesday.... going to rest up to the max.


All the best adam xx

Posted : 27th July 2024 8:15 pm

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