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Hi G

Just to thank you for your support on my diary. And on mse too,

Nice post from you mate, hope things work out well for you. Got me thinking about my primary school days... oh they were good. Really good.

And you're coming up to 5 years gamble free. WOW. Thats fantastic and I hope to be able to say the same in 5 years time.

All the best


Posted : 7th October 2010 10:18 am
Posts: 0

hi Graham,

thanks for your post and very kind words on my diary - its been a long long time since anyone thought of me as "inspriring".

I see we shared the "love" of the evil slot machine - at the moment i would get more joy taking an axe to one, than i would from playing it.

I many, many years ago managed the magical 5 years in recovery, and like you said, thought i would be alright to gamble, and could control it - how wrong could i be ?? Very very wrong !

Congrats on your continuing recovery, you are a much better man because of it.

all the best


Posted : 7th October 2010 11:26 am
Posts: 0

Wow! 5 years!

Now that's my dream!

And it's one that I WILL achieve!

Have a great gamble free weekend.

Getting There

Posted : 9th October 2010 10:51 am
Posts: 314
Topic starter

Well in a way, everyone has problems of one sort or another but gambling only adds to the list.

I certainly don`t miss the days wasted by gambling.

For many right now, the misfortunes of the economy is becoming hard to deal with. A lot of folk I know are in fear of their jobs, wage cuts and so on. In my case it is about business being slack. I don`t see much improvement coming soon.

" We are all in it together " say the Tory toffs, lol, yea right. Well I don`t suppose they will suffer much, lol.

If there is a time to pack in gambling I would say right now is as good as any. I can`t think of a time when gambling was so evident. On line, tv, mobile phones. It`s hard to walk down the street without passing a bookies shop.

Well don`t give them your money. You have better uses for it. Don`t give up on coming here guys or indeed where you can find help for yourselves.

Hope you all have had a gamble free day.

Posted : 21st October 2010 7:39 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks G that post really meant something to me you're a real inspiration!

Jules x

Posted : 21st October 2010 8:09 pm
Posts: 0


I'm back and have missed you buddy. I have returned to see what the tories have done and join me in raising a finger to em.

Look forward to seeing you in chat later.


Posted : 24th October 2010 11:46 am
Posts: 0

great post graham

im sure there is an advert in there somewhere. but then again there may not be any advertising space as ray winstone, barbara windsor etc have taken up most of it!

stick in and will speak to you soon mate

Posted : 24th October 2010 7:06 pm
Posts: 314
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Well end of a very expensive month but got a good deal on home and contents insurance. Managed to get nearly £200 off my motor insurance. Had a quote come through which I excepted but when the policy arrived they had left out something very important. Phoned them and as it was their mistake they corrected it and didn`t charge me as it was their fault. Honesty and good service. Rare in this day and age.

Still got the bug to move back toward my old home town. It will take time but that`s OK. Still have business commitments that need to be watched and worked.

I live in the " average " city and moving back to near London I thought on the money front would be difficult.

Someone suggested park homes or over 55`s retirement flats. Now ya talking. Seen some great park homes on line. Many of them set in fairly rural places but in easy reach of the town. Like the idea of a bit less city living.

Virtual party here in April as I will have been 5 years gamble free ( maybe a bit more but I elected that date as it was when I started to come here and Safe Harbor.

Was asked by a chat mod did I ever see a time when I might have a bet. Who knows but it is not my intention to get back any where near a gambling joint.

Good fortune to you all. Let`s just keep supporting each other.

Posted : 28th October 2010 6:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Graham aka cyber pops....thanks for your post mate, yep 2 months thursday since we chatted. I intend giving you a call very soon, if ok?

Your last post made me chuckle, dont know why and please dont think i am being disrepectful, cos i would never be that towards you.

Your a great guy and offer so much support to so many, i admire you, respect you and genuinely hope that one day you and my little family will meet up, cos that would make me happy!

As always take care, all the very best. andrew

Posted : 1st November 2010 5:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Graham, thanks for your post.

I'm an angry person, I know, but like you will continue to as you say, ' support both threads.

What this disease does to us, hell noboby really knowsws unless they've been there,

Stay close to both places mate, we need you.


Posted : 6th November 2010 9:31 pm
Posts: 314
Topic starter

Seems that some of my friends here are having difficulties with on line viruses and other nasties.

It is pretty sensible to install and use on a regular basis, that is scans, with an anti virus program and also anti spy/ malware software.

Here is a few ideas for everyone to get these installed and at no charge.

Google free anti virus. AVG is good. Install only one anti virus and run on a regular basis and don`t forget to update.

I also use Malwarebytes Antimalware.

Spybot is very good as is AdAdware. Do bear in mind that each program has it`s own strengths.

Finally CCleaner is also a good tool to download.

Trend Micro House Call offer a good online scan as well if you need to be Totally sure that you are crud free.

Hope this helps.

Posted : 8th November 2010 9:21 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Graham.

Thanks very much for the post on my diary and the further info you provide above.

I'll have a *** at getting rid of the antimalaware virus and i will take your advice regarding installation of an anti-virus program.



Posted : 8th November 2010 10:13 pm
Posts: 314
Topic starter

Bit of a heads up guys.

Should you be in debt. credit cards, loans or whatever and are trying to pay it all off then I suggest that you look at some of the charities, or indeed non paying debt agencies.

There are plenty of companies out there offering to reduce your debt but will charge for it. There are others that will do this for no charge to you.

I hope Martin Lewis doesn`t mind but here is a link that might come in handy.


Free registration to the site. Lots of different topics to be read.

To be honest, that site has saved me a fortune over the past number of years and is

( in general ) a good friendly place.

Posted : 11th November 2010 7:30 pm
Posts: 314
Topic starter

Well here we are now coming into winter. Seems like a lot of negative stuff going on in the economy. The " toffs " now firmly in control and a lot of people ( including myself ) feel uneasy toward the future. In my game it gets pretty depressing talking to customers that are finding it all an up hill struggle, or indeed public sector workers who are afraid of there jobs.

Perhaps, with a somewhat bleak out look, we need to be firmly on guard regarding gambling. We ain`t gonna win so there is no point in even trying.

Seems to me that people, of late, are coming here in their droves seeking help. Well glad they found us.

I try to remain pretty calm regarding regulation regarding gambling, in the same way I wouldn`t want my local closed down because someone might drink to much. However, it does seem to be getting out of hand.

In the old days you had to make an effort to gamble. However it is now everywhere. Mobile phones, computers and even tv.

The worse part, imho, is the way it has been portrayed as something that is appealing. Prime time programs sponsored by the gambling industry. Just imagine that the same programs were sponsored by the tobacco industry. However I see little difference.

It`s wrong and I truly believe that these ads are sucking in folk that might otherwise have not gambled.

I read a lot about those that gamble on credit cards, something that seems appalling to be allowed to happen. Seems to me that many of the economic woes that we are experiencing has been bought about by reckless lending and what is worse is that people have been encouraged to do so.

Oh well rant over. Hope you have had a gamble free day folks.

Posted : 15th November 2010 7:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Graham (G),

You have made some extremely valid comments above which I can really relate to as I got into debt gambling online with debit and credit cards. They lure you in and before you know it you owe thousands! I take responsibility for my own actions but online gambling has been heavily promoted during these difficult times.

Thanks for all your support

Jules x

Posted : 15th November 2010 9:17 pm
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