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Ah my mate Freda . Yes, as many know . when it comes to government I am the biggest cynic .However I have to say I know someone who claims the lot . Housing , council tax benefits and incapacity yet boldly walks into the pub after a days work still in his building clothes .

Couldn`t give a flying do dah . So about a grand a month off the state and doing a lot of cash in hand .

I am not a snitch . In fact I am God father to one of his sons and certainly would not dob him in.

Oh how times have changed . Yet at my grand old age, having paid a lot of tax , sure am getting used to " early " retirement " ,

Hard to take on board , but there is a wonderful feeling on waking up that I don`t need to be confronted by bs every day.

The wonderful Ange is in the place of going part time in a couple of months. She is younger than me but I like the idea .

Not yet sure how I can act on agoraphobic state or OCD . Still I will overcome in Gods grace .

Posted : 25th July 2011 2:42 am
Posts: 314
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In 2009, the UK will be once again leading the way into the future of gambling. For the second time in two years, gambling limits are going up in slot parlors and clubs.

The gambling industry has been lobbying the government to raise the limits allowed on slot machines. The plan has received heavy opposition, some of that opposition even coming from Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Brown, however, although opposed to expanded gambling, understands the need for revenue in the gambling industry to continue growing. Therefore he has supported the raised limits despite being ridiculed for his decision.

He claims that, "if an economy is not moving", then there is a need for something to be done. That something at this point in time was to raise the limits in places where slots are offered.

The opposition comes from the usual suspects. Church groups are concerned about the increased limits leading to an increase in problem gambling. There has been no evidence that will be the case.

Brown has already shot down a plan for a super casino in Manchester, so he has publicly shown that he does not care for expanded gambling. The revenue increase is estimated at millions of dollars a year, something that Brown could not ignore.

Not my words but lifted from a site that has gambling ads so the post would be deleted .

" He claims that, "if an economy is not moving", then there is a need for something to be done. That something at this point in time was to raise the limits in places where slots are offered. " Can you believe that statement?

The above article was published in 2009 . . What a statement ! I am gob smacked . The way to economic recovery is via raising prize money .

Of course pubs are closing at an amazing rate . Don`t suppose it is the greedy rents that many landlords pay . £3 a pint, hmmmm , great value not , however you could get lucky and have a free fight in the basket .

I find that article laughable but deeply offensive . Britains economic recovery is based on more gambling . At the same time we think we are the big cheese , kicking the b**t out of certain middle eastern countries . Employing people to go around snooping into to peoples garbage that they put out a day early and giving them a £50 fine .

Maybe we should write new words to Sir Edward Elgars " Land of hope and glory "

Perhaps something like this , join in when you are ready.

After 3....

" Logging on to L-brokes .

Get 20 pound for free ,

How shall we spend it,

Put the lot on three,

Oh chite we lost it ,

But got my credit card on me,

Make myself bankrupt,

For the Uk`s recovery .....

Honestly , being in recovery , friends who families have split , friends who have prostituted themselves , lost everything to this rubbish .

That article to me , is highly irresponsible .

Why doesn`t the government legalise smack ? Nice little tax earner for them . Maybe c-ack c-kaine ? The revenues would be terrific .

High street outlets , Cr-ck You Like . Highs are us or maybe McSmackheads .

Being silly but hope you know where I am coming from .

Posted : 31st July 2011 12:59 am
Posts: 0

err, i think i get your point my friend, but arent you about 2 years out of date in making it?

but to quote from your link

He added: “The success of places like Las Vegas is built on a culture that embraces the thrill of gambling rather than focusing on the dangers. If the government allowed more people to gamble, while retaining a focus on safety and the wellbeing of gamblers, we could see a dramatic revival in the pub industry and a huge boost for the economy as a whole.”

actually that is b*****ks - the way to revive the pub industry is to allow people to smoke in pubs - that is part of the reason for their decline, if in fact there has been one




Posted : 31st July 2011 2:06 am
Posts: 2966

I agree that the world has indeed gone mad. However, staying angry about something that we can't single handedly change can be destructive to our own health.

You talk a lot of sense Graham, however hope it is just on occasion that you are thinking about stuff like needs to be thought about, but maybe not by those of us who are fighting personal battles.

Sometimes its less painful to channel our anger into a faceless target like the government. They are a load of divs, and an easy target, but now is your time to work through your own stuff, and put yourself first mate. Are there angers in your own life that need resolving?

Sorry I can be direct and brutal, but said with love,

f x

Posted : 31st July 2011 9:21 am
Posts: 314
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Nothing brutal there f . Show me a human being that does not carry some anger ?

Of course there is some anger in my life , nothing that I have to really struggle with > Angry that my folks died , pretty natural but they were decent and lived to be elderly . I could have made more of myself but by gum . I ain`t done so badly .Angry that I am awful at DIY but no big deal, lol .

However this goes much deeper . I have always thought little or indeed saddened that people sit back and do nothing . It ends up in situations like Nazi Germany .

What sort of society is it where we rise in economic status due to other peoples misery . The point I was trying to make in my post .

It deeply saddened me today to read that someone with severe learning disabilities was tortured , beaten and strangled to death . This was perpetuated by adult people . I was close to tears when I read it .

Some years back I was out with an older mate in the pub with his Downs syndrome son . Some moron had the idea that it would be fun to wind the kid up . What they didn`t know was that my mate Harry was one of the hardest geezers I have ever met . Guess the idiot still regrets the well deserved punishment that was given to him .

I say this to everyone, if channeled correctly , anger is a positive thing . Internalize it and you are on the path to depression .

Some laughed when in the 60`s I was a member of CND . Check out the G rosvenor Square battle on youtube , anti Vietnam war . I marched against Cruise missiles , the National Front, nearly got arrested at that one . Why , because I was angry . However as an older man I am proud I stood up and was counted .

I still protest now but my mobility has confined it to e-mails to members of Parliament . The 10 pence tax band being taken away , again victimizing poorer people . Recently the Murdoch fiasco . Tapping in to murdered kids phones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for gambling I fully respect it was my choice, still angry that it is advertised before the 9 o`clock watershed . Yet , I ordered a pint of Kronenburg , on the glass it had the alcohol content displayed , government health warning yet checking on the fruit machine for a Gamcare sticker , there wasn`t one .

So one day , as I get to the Pearly Gates , St. Peter will look me up in the book and say . Graham , you were a bit of a tea leaf as a kid , naughty boy , you watched a bit of P**n whilst married , you have sworn , coveted , and smoked so much hash you kept Morocco going .

Can`t deny it , however if I have added a bit of human happiness to only one soul , that will have to be my bargaining chip . It`s a Graham ramble but there you go.

Posted : 31st July 2011 11:26 pm
Posts: 180

Hi Graham,

just a quick hello,its good to see a Graham ramble I think it shows me some of your natural spark is returning lol. I hope thats the case anyway.

I hope you and your lovely wife have a good weekend.


W xxx

Posted : 5th August 2011 5:54 pm
Posts: 314
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Cheers W . Well have to tell the old lust for life is coming back . Very agoraphobic and the ocd is distressing , however I am returning to Graham the somewhat eccentric from Graham seriously unwell .

Posted : 6th August 2011 5:13 pm
Posts: 0

good man graham, keep working at that and maybe we get to have that cup of coffee sooner rather than later.

Love to you and your lovely lady

God Bless

Sabine xx

Posted : 6th August 2011 8:00 pm
Posts: 314
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(((((((((((((((((((Sabine))))))))))))))))))))))))) , my fear friend . Blooming right we will have that coffee . May God bless you and your family . Sending out love . Angels are here on earth , you are one of them . xx

Posted : 7th August 2011 1:14 am
Posts: 2966

Hi Graham,

thanks again for your support. I tried to check out that link you wrote in chat, but my gamblock wouldn't let me view it for some reason ??!

Hope you have a good day and a great weekend

f x

Posted : 9th September 2011 8:55 am
Posts: 314
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Thanks f . All over the place at the mo . Got this solicitor thing regarding the way I was mistreated for years from the the people that I contracted to for 11 years . In this dreadful society are they gonna rip me off ?

Chite I really shouldn`t think that way but seems to me there is so much of it going on .

Trying to get my darling wife to pack in work . The t%wts she works for are just money grabbing gits . Hey , ho such is life in modern Britain .

n the bright side . We are back to our home town next Monday . Am I looking forward to that .? Got to get our Pam sorted out with a decent solicitor and screw the prat into the ground .

Good we can finance that but I am after blood . Oh the joy of depression turning into anger . In my book it is the antithesis of depression . I like anger , strange as it might seem , yet to internalise it only makes tou depressed .

Way past bed time . Bye.

Posted : 13th September 2011 2:18 am
Posts: 0

Hi G

Just checking in with you mate. Hope all is progressing nicely with the dispute against your former employers.

as always mate you are in my thoughts

All the best to you and your better half 🙂

Posted : 5th October 2011 7:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hi cyber pops.

Thanks as always for popping in on my diary and the kind words in chat. Hope you are ok and life is improving for you.

Would like to apoligise for the lack of contact, its weird thinking and caring about someone i have never met. The early days where realy tough and you gave me so much supprt, dont know how you do it??? but i will never forget that!

Respect to you my friend, take care. ands

Posted : 21st October 2011 9:39 pm
Posts: 2966

Can't believe that dude told you to zip it!

Fair play to you for staying like. I could not be bothered to waste my energy.

Really pleased for your good news - are you gonna go for more?

Take care,

f x

Posted : 3rd November 2011 9:51 pm
Posts: 314
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Well it has been an age since I posted. Mentally on the up. OCD not clever but depression and anxiety is way down, agrophobia improving.

The problems with my legs are far better. Still not working, then again after 40 years not very bothered.

Well looking at the world, it doesn`t seem to improve. I hear whispers that certain councils are looking at the amount of gambling establishments there are. The good lady commented that the gambling industry are about the only ones making money. Of course, the grubby lenders, ooops sorry, finance houses.

Noticing a lot of new comers here. Not very surprising is it. Turn on the box and it is all about dodgy high apr loans or Strictly Doing My Head In is sponsered by www. Free sign up bonus, come along and make new friends whilst you fritter away you cash playing bingo.

Whilst on the subject. Most ads have good looking folk in them, spotless kitchens and well turned out kids. The bingo ads very fat people, who look scruffy and less than bright. What can we deduce from that? Maybe they are fat because now they can only afford to eat lard and scruffy because now they can`t even shop at Oxfam.

Yes, battle has commenced with my old lot. Oh dear, had the top gaffer on the phone thinking he could pay me off with a silly amount. 3 pointless conversations, the last one he said he would need to terminate as it made him feel ill. Well I felt ill when they turned me over.

What happened? Well many years ago I obtained a company to deal with my lot. They grew to be one of the biggest players on the internet in my game. Spending vast amounts of money with us of which I was due 6.5% of their purchase price. That meant £1,500 to £2,000 a month to me. Remember self employed so own motor, fuel accommodation and so forth. Along with other customers spends, I was using the money to expand my dealer net work. Simples.

In late 2006 I had a phone call to say that they were ceasing payment on the big account. I was told that my input was no longer required. Hmmmmm, you can`t do that I said using various Anglo Saxon words. All, of course to no avail. Thick or what, well arrogant and ignorant they were not aware of commercial agent law. That states I have legal right to any commission due for that account for the length of my agency. Many of you know that I have been very ill and as such, I was terminated last April.

Well what do ya know. I am owed all payment from the company with regards to that account from the month they ripped me off with. Further, I have full legal rights to inspect the amount of transactions regarding their trading levels.

On top I am entitled to due notice and compensation as to the value of the whole agency.

You could not make it up. They nutters are saying that I agreed to not receiving the commission. Can see any judge believing that, I don`t think.

Mr Multi Millionaire is pleading poverty. Well we will see.

Anyway 5.5 years without a bet here so that ain`t bad. Thanks for reading the ramblings. Love to all.

Posted : 11th November 2011 8:17 pm
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