New diary

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Hi Uncle G

Just wanted to pop in and say thankyou for all the help and support you have given me its really appreciated.

5.5 yearis a great acheivement and proves to everyone that it can be done if you want it badly enough.

Best Wishes


Posted : 13th November 2011 7:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Graham, my friend.

Thank you for your post in my diary, which I have updated now.

You gotta learn to put down all them thoughts about all these crazy people out there. You know you can't change others. Concentrate on changing You, making Graham a happy person is most important.

Wishing you and your lovely Lady a magical Christmas. Lots of love and hugs to both of you.

God Bless

Sabine xxx

ps - looks like we might just get to meet for that cuppa, last chemo is beginning of Feb.(read my diary) xx

Posted : 16th December 2011 9:26 am
Posts: 0

Hi cyber pops.

Hope your well mate, just want to wish you and your family, a very merry christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for all your help, been on this forum well over 2 years now and you, you just great!


Posted : 16th December 2011 10:10 pm
Posts: 180

Hi Graham,

Just wanted to wish you and the family a Happy Cgristmas and a better New Year.

Glad to see the anxiety is improving gradually and I hope you see some progress with the OCd in 2012.

take care

love W xxxx

Posted : 17th December 2011 7:25 pm
Posts: 2966

Hi Graham,

how is it going? hope you are continuing to feel better.

f x

Posted : 8th January 2012 11:11 am
Posts: 314
Topic starter

Well it has been ages since an update so here we go. Overall my mental state is improving. The OCD is still very bad but I an getting CBT for that. Fairly confident that it is going to help. Have noted that bring in the company of others does help it.

Well it looks that the moving back to Reading is on but not how I thought it would be. Imagined a retirement flat for me and my honey but that is not to be. As many of you know my sis in law was deserted by her husband after 30 years of marriage. As a laugh I said why don`t the 3 of us buy together. After long chats and looking at the picture it does make an awful lot of sense.

Sis in law adores her sister. I never had a sister and known Pam since she was 13. We are all very close. Her 3 kids are our God children and again very close. It means sharing the bills and that would take the financial strain away from her. Also if anything happened to me or my wife we wouldn`t be 200 miles away on our own. We can get something suitable, hopefully with some sort of out building that I can use as my den. Keep the computers, keyboards and empty beer cans away from civilisation.

There is a sadness in my heart , going back to the place of my birth. Mum and Dad are not around now also most of my family have passed away. Yet their are happy memories and very old friends to see. We will have my 20 year old nephew living with us, right handful but a decent lad really. Needs a bit of guidance.

Started driving again. Not very good but improving. Even going out on my own from time to time. In fact interest in life is returning.

Massive battle on my hands with the company I contracted to for 11 years plus. With my solicitor it seems they have done me out of a 6 figure sum of commissions, Frightening. The case is proceeding but their defence is based on utter lies. yet hopefully the more they lie the easier it will be to pick them up on it. Yet very stressful.

To be frank I cannot see any judge believing that some 5 and a bit years ago I agreed to give up £1,500 a month income, lol.

Coming up to 6 years without even a small bet. I have no interest. Having a pension fund in this climate is betting enough for me.

Anyway my friends. If I can quit so can you.

Thanks for reading.

Posted : 16th January 2012 2:19 am
Posts: 0

Hello Graham

I'm glad things are improving for you and the CBT is helpful, I know it's work in progress but i have seen the old Graham coming back:) and i don't say thank you enough for all the support you've given me over the years.

with the move to Reading, often things that don't go to plan often turn out better than expected;)

6 years Wow big well done from me, i admire what you've done, just hope i can do the same but you inspire me that it can be done.



Posted : 16th January 2012 11:01 am
Posts: 0

It's Lynn Kay again from Safe Harbor. Enjoyed your chairing of Saturday meetings long ago. I am pleased to see your recent post and to be current on your life. I congratulate you on 6 years gamble free. I'm now 2 years and 2 months gamble free. I work with a gambling addiction counselor. We are currently working on the 12 Steps. I don't attend GA, just a meeting per week on Safe Harbor. I read the posts daily and post once per week. It all seems to help. I quit on Veteran's Day and remember you saying something about my own personal war with gambling. I often think of your encouraging words. Thank you!

Posted : 21st January 2012 8:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi mate

Thanks for posting in my diary, i hope you are well. When you do move down these sides it would be a pleasure to meet up with you and have that cold pint.

I dont really know what to say now. lol.

take care graham, your a great guy!

Posted : 29th February 2012 9:51 pm
Posts: 314
Topic starter

Phew! Never thought I would find my diary again! Spent all afternoon in GCs head quarters basement dusting off old diaries and suddenly found mine.

Well been a few months since my last post. Not great news as I am expecting major surgery so in and out of out patients getting tests. Well done guys for losing my biopsys. Lol.

Going on holiday to relatives on Wednesday. Just had another appointment through that they want to have another prod up my rear end. Still it is in the morning so hopefully will get away in the afternoon. With the light evenings it shouldn`t be so bad. Having a sedative so no driving for me.

Well over 6 years without as much as a scratch card. Just as well because our income at the mo is a bit limited. My wife finishes work on Monday for the last time. Her pensions, less the travelling and wear and tear are a bit more than she earns so that is great.

I have some slim benefits but a nice payout from the crowd I worked for. Not what they did me out of but at least it will cover a couple of years befiore my pensions roll in. Bring it on!

As she never gave her notice in until mid day, the small minded bunch say that she must do a half day when she returns from our holidays. I said " stick it where the sun don`t shine " but she is goimng to do it.

So she will be my carer. Already she has said she doesn`t want social services shoving their noses in as she is a highly experienced carer. Think she is already working on my care plan. As long as lots of beer and cider included I am ya man.

It is times like this when having a faith is a real help.

Anyway. Keep away from that gambling demon. Nasty piece of work. Reminds me of an ex female prime minister. Her name escapes me. Promises much and delivers nothing.

Kepp on trucking guys!

and more impotantly, I want you to move on up.…OtMIymlI0&feature=related

Love you guys xx

Posted : 26th May 2012 6:34 pm
Posts: 298

Good to see you upbeat Graham... and glad you found your diary... I think a lot of us looked.. couldn't find it.. started to think you were a GC groupie ;O)

Enjoyed our chat the other day; you have a lot to offer on this forum, so I am glad you have renewed your diary.

I am a little unclear as to your present situation.... sorry to be so direct, but i guess there is no way of P****Y footing around the situation... have you had any results yet?

If I don't hear anything... hope you have a good holiday.


Posted : 26th May 2012 9:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Graham 🙂

Thank u 4 ur post on my diary, as I said I respect ur advice and appreciate it.

I am truly sorry that u r going through a tough stage, what ever the results I know u will remain strong cuz u r a fighter!

I will always be here 4 u 🙂

U have kept me strong on many occassions, I have a lot 2 thank u 4. U r a true inspiration, u give soooo much on this site unconditionally!

6 years gamble free, u give us all hope 🙂

Never stop being u Graham, u r gr8!

Stay strong thru this tough patch ur hope and strength will pull u thru xx

Hope u r enjoying the sunshine 🙂

Posted : 27th May 2012 12:36 pm
Posts: 314
Topic starter

Saru, the link.

Register and post. Do it NOW. I think within a sort time you will feel nore able to cope.


Posted : 27th May 2012 9:00 pm
Posts: 0

HI Graham,

I nearly missed your post on my diary and then i wouldnt of replied, how rude would that of been. Thank you for the words, i think your right i will write it down for future reference. I hope tomorrow goes ok for you and then you can get off and enjoy your break.

Thanks for all the chats in the chat room, you have years of experience and advice to give.

Your a good man graham and if the karma fairy is watching she will return that back to you.

Take care

Blondie day 35 xx

Posted : 28th May 2012 11:41 pm
Posts: 0


May not be the karma fairy, but this fairy , a somewhat dusty one just wanted to send you a big fat virtual hug.

Your positivity in the face of adversely is astounding.

I promise you that next time that I feel like moaning about something trivial in the scheme of the world , I will give myself a bloody good shake. Cause I find you really inspirational. For that I thank you,

I will be thinking about you today, and hope that all is as good as it can be.

Take care, enjoy your well deserved cider later.

Dusty xxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 29th May 2012 8:17 am
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