Good afternoon lively, hope your well today , how’s dancing going ? It’s nice to be at peace , I feel the same at peace with my past and at peace with we’re I am now it’s a great feeling ?, your job is important one close to my heart and I’m so greatfull for people like you your amazing ?, hope you have a wonderful day ??
Reading your last post has had a profound effect on me Livelysoul, in fact I have returned and re-read it at least five times.
To think how distraught you were 5 weeks ago, it is nothing short of miraculous how you have transformed your mind-set and rediscovered the real you.
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me.Â
Stephen xÂ
Hi Lonely hope you are keeping well.
Many thanks for posting on my diary. Your support and encouragement is very much appreciated.
My friend cancelled our walk to the pier yesterday but we went today and had a lot of fun. Lovely weather and we had a good chat from ten plus feet away. Also danced around to some pleasant music. A couple of years ago we both attended a "Five Rhythm" dance group so we both like to dance.Â
Wishing you a lovely weekend
Stephen xÂ
Good evening lively what u still doing up ? U in that fridge again ?? ... ?
Ha ha Zoe you are hilarious. I just tiptoed on here in case Lively has gone to sleep.
Best get some shut-eye yourself because you have a session in the gym tomorrow along with walking Vins and practicing your dance moves.Â
Wishing you & Lively a great weekend.
Stephen x xÂ
I think the real question is what were you still doing up? @Vinnie lol.Â
I think you were having a guilty conscience ?
Lmao getting a packet of coconut rings to go with my coffee ?? ?
The "Inbetweeners Dance Committee" are becoming increasingly concerned amid rumours circulating regarding to the nutritional diets of leading dancers Lively, Debbie & Zoe!
I have had it on good authority that representatives from the "FAME" Academy will be talent scouting when we perform our "Ten Mile Hike/Inbetweener Dance Routine" so am sure you all appreciate it is imperative that we all eat a good healthy diet.
I am certainly not a killjoy so would suggest that we treat ourselves to a small sugary treat every few days.
Yours respectfully
Oh Stephen, your post did make me chuckle when I came on earlier today and it brightened up my day. Was so happy to see you in chat too.Â
Day 37 done. On to day 38
Btw Vinnie, just so you know, I am currently up drinking a coffee after watching some tv and I’m not raiding the fridge. ?
Today has been a good day. I’ve done a few bits around the house and glad to have a day off from work. The highlight of my day has to be chat this evening. I’ve had such a giggle the past week from it and something I look forward to. So many lovely and funny people to have banter with - It puts me in my element.Â
Ive always been a person who enjoys banter and for many years it was part of my daily life at work because of the area I worked in. Don’t get me wrong, I love my current job and nearly all the people I work with are lovely, but it is a lot more serious and professional so there is very little banter as it would be seen as inappropriate. Chat takes me back to the earlier days of my career and I had a blast.Â
Ive done pretty well on the food front today and despite being tempted, have refrained from baking more cakes. I’ve decided to save that for tomorrow.Â
I also sat down and looked at finances for next month and if I’m still wfh, have worked out I can clear two more debts so this is my goal. It’s really strange still having money sat in my account knowing I don’t have much to spend it on so I randomly went and paid small amounts to a few of my debts as I decided I won’t need or miss it. It really is a bizarre feeling, having money and no specific purpose. I guess that’s because previously any money left in my account would already be accounted for either for gambling or money I had to pay out and by day 6or 7 after payday there would be hardly anything left. One big trigger use to be that is panic when is created a mess the previous month, be worried how I could sort it the following and think if I could just win this much I can sort it but as we all know that only ends in disaster and makes things worse. For the first time in a long time all my priority bills are up to date, my debts are paid and I have money left over and it’s only just over 5 weeks since I last slipped so I am feeling positive and hopeful for the future. One main trigger has been removed and I feel in control for the first time in years.Â
I am genuinely happy!
I hope everyone has a good Sunday.Â
Impressed with your talent and flair for writing Lively. The words come straight from your heart and I often feel inspired by your courage, wisdom and wonderful sense of humour. A journey of redemption which sends out a powerful message of hope in this uncertain world in which we live.
Please do not put too much of a burden on yourself and remember to treat yourself with kindness. You are a delightful lady who was lured into a trap but you have battled bravely with honour, integrity and dignity whilst turning your back on the insidious tyrant that is gambling addiction.
It is understandable that you wish to pay off your debts asap but exercise caution because we all know the addiction likes to creep up on us with its cajoling lies and deceit. Far better to manage your repayments in a steady and consistent manner and than put it out of your mind.
Respectfully yours
Stephen xÂ
Thanks Stephen, I do enjoy writing which is helpful, seeing as it’s a big part of my job. The typos drive me nuts at times but often find the time to edit it is just not long enough and autocorrect often changes the words so some sentences come out really random!Â
I know what you mean in regards to the debts but I feel with the current situation that it is my best opportunity to get a good head start on the debts and could have them all cleared by Christmas. It may seem like a lot of pressure but actually now I’m up-to-date with all the priority bills the pressure has been lifted. I will only pay what is affordable and manageable. The reason I’m doing it is that I usually spend a large part of my salary on travel expenses, which I currently don’t have so it’s money I wouldn’t usually have or miss and will make a large dent into my debts. This will actually take a lot of pressure off a few months down the line but I appreciate your kind words of advice and will think of them regularly. I’m not going to get complacent as I know this is dangerous.Â
Today I have kept busy by doing a few bits to clear up the garden and then make a nice healthy lunch that both myself and my daughter enjoyed whilst sat in the garden, followed by lunchtime chat. It was rather quiet in comparison to normal.Â
 I’m going to spend a bit of time doing some bits around the house and then reward myself with some baking. Decisions, decisions!Â
Hope everyones having a good Sunday afternoon and enjoying the sunshine.
Well sadly today chat wasn’t the highlight of my day, it seems a lot of people left feeling deflated, which makes me sad as it should be helping people, not making them feel worse.Â
So the highlight of my day was food! Who’d have guessed eh?!Â
We had a lovely dinner of toad in the hole with garden peas and gravy, which was really delicious. This was followed by homemade rocky road, which was also really good; so good, we both had seconds. Then I watched a film whilst scrolling through my phone. For some strange reason, and I don’t know if it’s because it’s been a topic of conversation on chat, I have seen endless things relating to bananas. ? first it is was a banana hair conditioner, then a banana cake recipe, followed by someone asking what they could make with two bananas and then a picture with bananas in. Either my brain is focusing on bananas and it’s just a coincidence or my phones been picking up the keyword and suddenly thinks I’m interested in all things bananas. Who knows but it did make me chuckle ?.Â
Got to up early for work so I have got in bed and hoping to get a decent nights sleep although I’m not convinced I will as neither my daughter nor me are feeling particularly great.Â
On to day 39.
Sweetest dreams banana
Till you wake up fresh manyana
And slip you not on 'nana skinsÂ
For you may bruise your dancing pins
Good morning Lively.
Wishing you well over the coming week.
You always bring smiles and laughter to the table so my thoughts turn to you as I listen to "The Banana Boat Song." A delightful little song recorded by Harry Belafonte in 1965. Happy listening. ???
Stephen xÂ
Afternoon lively , hope your well ? Sorry missed chat last night , yesterday just seemed so busy dint  really get five mins to myself , I’ll be on later to get a update of food diary’s lol I think I’m gunna follow lous diet I ended up getting two bottles of gin a blood orange one and lemon I will update later how they taste if I can still the keyboard ???♀️ ?
Affected by gambling?
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