The 100 Days Club - Would you like to join?

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Hello people of the gamcare community, firstly I feel I must apologise for my absence, I have been down in the dumps the past few weeks. Nevertheless I haven't slipped?. I've finally got my car back so can get back to working day and night to put back the rights I've wronged.


I hope everyone is doing ok, stephen I'm sorry to hear that you've had a little stumble but dont let it stop you from thriving in the future, you can do it, look hard and let it be a learning curve to where you went wrong and prevent that from happening again. 

Mixer I'm sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather, I hope you feel better soon. You play the biggest part in this forum, in my eyes anyway?.

lewis you are right about the feeling of not forgetting you have a problem and it's amazing you know that, I myself know that i have a compulsive gambling addiction and know it's always going to be with me, but the obstacles I've put in place to prevent me from g*****ng are there? with me I notice I g****e when I'm at a high point in my life, when im content.

Adam123 well done on hitting the 50 day mark and a big well done for being alcohol and smoke free, you seemed to have changed your life for the best, I applaud you?. 

To everyone Else including all new members well done for staying on that track to happiness because that's what it is, some days it might not feel it but when you get through the rough remember there's always a smooth?.

Like I say I've had some rough few weeks been really low, I've got my 1st psychiatric appointment on Tuesday which I'm nervous about, but I suppose that would be normal bearing in mind I might actually find out what's wrong with me if anything, until then I'm going to be working quiet a bit but I'm also gunna make time for the family the weekend taking tomorrow off to go swimming with the mrs and kids??‍♀️.

I hope everyone can find and keep that strength we all have inside of us to do the right thing, day by day, which adds up.

Today I've got the strength to not gamble, I gan find something else better to spend my hard earned money on or even save it whatever it takes I will not throw it away. 

peace and love guys. 

Posted : 31st January 2020 7:25 am
Posts: 43

10 days sinse my last bet,feeling good,I'm determined to beat this 

Posted : 31st January 2020 9:34 am
Posts: 2926

Well done people let's keep this going, positivity will shine thru

Posted : 31st January 2020 5:57 pm
Posts: 1828
Topic starter


*** Good evening! ***

Hello everyone.  I'm feeling a lot, lot better - just not with it at all! - and ready to rejoin the fray.  And, in case, you might be wondering, I've remained g***ling free.  In fact, I found that one of the 'benefits' of being unwell was that g***ling couldn't really be further from my mind.  And another one was the spirit of this thread, our group, we are all giving it an incredible, continuous momentum, this is perhaps what I mind most uplifting.  We're are sharing, caring and it shows the kind of people we are!


Stephen - I was delighted to read that your experience self-excluding from arcades was a positive one.  As recovering g***lers, we are always seeking to deal with 'chinks' in our armour, and you've taken the necessary remedial action.  This is what recovery is all about; improving ourselves and improve our situation.  Thank you for your kind words.

HertsC - Thank you for your post and delighted you've pass the 100 day milestone - as paydays come and go now you will recall that moment when you stopped at the end of October and though - never again.

Ineffable - You article about the important of sleep really struck me.  The experts do say we're having a national crisis when it comes to our sleep; the proliferation of gadgetry, stresses of modern life and much more mean that too many of us are not getting quality zeds like we should.   I've had insomnia for years but back on my meds now (Sertraline) and whilst they drain the energy out of me, I sleep like a baby. It's a trade off, but better sleep - I'm even dreaming real dreams again - is a worthwhile trade-off.

Changing Habit -  Firstly congratulations on hitting the day mark!  A fantastic achievement because it spans 3 months' paydays.  It means you've handled the situation where you've had free cash availability not once, twice but three times.  It's a trend, it's good form.  I will set you a new target of one years' time always achievable 1 day at a time!  I relate to drinking more; but honestly believe that in time, these things will settle as we, almost imperceptibly, start to become more fulfilled. 

Adam123 - It was great to read your drinking abstinence since last summer and the way your life has tilted into such a better direction.  You're right; there is a societal change geared to better health and you're right up there with it.

Danpo - thank you for your wonderfully spirited and positive updates.  It's great to know we're a team and all look out for each other, and good to know you've got your first appointment of Tuesday.  I think you'll get a lot out of this, my friend.  And great to see how you've got a terrific weekend lined up.

Bigmug - Thank you for checking in; you've hit double figures; a real foothold to reach those greater heights one step, day, at a time.

Lewis - it's great to read your daily updates, eating up those g**bling free days like a determined Pac Man grabbing those dots!  Heading towards a month and happily so.  Keep it going!!



End of the Month!

Here we are then at the end of January.  A long month for everyone post-Christmas, but we're here and well.  Many of us will find we're still sorting out Christmas debts, and possibly for a while, but we'll have some spare spend.  It's worth making sure, especially this month, and especially when we're possibly more on the back foot financially, that we make sure these monies go to good use.  Paring off as much debt as possible, especially those with higher interest, has to be the way to go.

And then whatever's left try to ensure it's taken care off so that you start your month with a small 'spare cash' figure in your mind to spend.  This will be smaller than any amount you would normally have g**lbed with and effectively be your pocket money for the month.  But it's enough - as recovering g**blers we tend to be excellent money managers!  Preparation, like for most things in life, is key.


Here's how we're doing everyone.  Congratulations to Changing Habit hitting that fantastic target - and beyond! - 100 days.  As requested, I've set you up for a year hence.  Let's see you back here in 2021, one valuable, fulfilled day at a time!

We now have six smileys in our table below.  That's over a quarter - way to go!

MikeD – 19th Apr 2020
Zoe – 10th Apr 2020
Bigmug - 29th Apr 2020
Debbie4 – 28th April 2020
Russ (Mark) - 2nd Feb 2020 
Adam123 - Reached target ? new target --> 5th March. 
Franco1875 - 19th Mar 2020 
Spendlikewater84 - Hon. Member! ? 
Ineffable - 21st Feb 2020 
EsoxLucius - 28th Feb 2020 
Mixer - 13th March 2020 
LewisMG - 12th April 2020 
Spendspendspend - Hon. member! ? 
Boo - Hon. Member! Yeesss! ? Extra settling-in period --> 20th Feb! ?
Fighter1 - Hon. Member ! ?
Bertieboo - 10th Mar 2020
Fir tree - 28th Mar 2020
Changing habit - Hon Member 🙂 --> new target 26th Jan 2021
Danpo 7th Mar 2020
Murlo 11th Feb 2020
Determined to Stop 1st March 2020


Thank you, everyone, for your kind words whilst I've been away.  I'm back now - with a vengence!  The quest for a better life for all of us continues!

"Just for today, I've chosen not to g**ble.  Through thick and thin, just for today, that's what I'll do.  I will have the patience to accept, just for today, that fulfilment will come, and is happening, even if we can't always see it."


This post was modified 5 years ago 2 times by Mixer
Posted : 31st January 2020 7:25 pm
Posts: 1492

Awww great news.. We have missed you ?. Boo 

Posted : 31st January 2020 9:18 pm
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

*** Good evening! ***

Boo - thank you for your kind words. I’ve missed being here, but back now! 

I’m still not quite right, everyone. I’m crushingly tired which I think is down to my medication.  Whilst I’m sleeping well at night, I shouldn’t be sleeping during the day, too!

Rightly or wrongly, I’ve decided to stop my medication and visit the doctors next week.  Because this can’t continue. 

So a short update today, keeping g**ling free, but need to get back to 100% health wise.

Hopefully, stopping the meds, or going on to alternatives, will make a difference. Can’t carry on like this!

All the best


”Just for today, I choose not to g**ble.  At the moment, my health is my No. 1 concern. Just for today!”



Posted : 1st February 2020 6:45 pm
Posts: 3947

I trust there isn't a gamcarona virus on the loose but I've put my mask on just to be safe.

Get well soon Mixer. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Stephen x 

Posted : 1st February 2020 7:17 pm
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

Thanks Stephen ... there's a lot of strange bugs about but hopefully not Gamcarona virus.  There's only one remedy for that and that's 1 spoonful of anti-g**ling potion taken daily so will make sure a take the medicine. 

I'm sure you'll join me; I've bought you a bottle of the stuff, my friend 🙂

It was good to chat with you on Group Chat tonight ... and it woke me up just a little bit too!

Take care and speak soon.



Posted : 1st February 2020 9:06 pm
Posts: 2926

rest up mixer, plenty of sleep is a good thing mate.

Posted : 1st February 2020 9:22 pm
Posts: 1492

Good to have you back on board mixer ?

Boo x 

Posted : 1st February 2020 9:59 pm
Posts: 2926

CONGRATULATIONS RUSS/MARK!!!!!!!! YOU'VE DONE IT TEN MONTHS GAMBLE FREE HORRAY,  I SHALL RAISE MY CUP OF TEA IN HONOUR OF YOUR ACHIEVEMENT!!!!! lets see you hit the 11 month free from the pain and anguish that is gambling life.

Posted : 2nd February 2020 3:03 pm
Posts: 1828
Topic starter


*** Good evening! ***

And a good evening to you all.  And a bit better for me; definitely feeling a little brighter!  I hope you've had a good weekend. 


Russ (Mark) - Firstly, thank you for your kind words.  As you know, I think your diary is fantastic, peeling away the mysteries of GA, sponsorship, recovery in so many more ways than I for one ever realised, all from the heart.  To say you've dived into wanting that better, more fulfilled life is exactly what you're doing and I certainly believe you'll reap the great stuff you're sowing.  Our collective congratulations to you on 10 months g**ling free - every day hard earned, every day gaining more personal insights into a more contented life and a more rounded, compelling human being.  

Adam - As you rightfully acknowledge, what a great achievement eh.  I will likewise toast Mark with a cuppa!

Boo - thank you for your kind words; great to be back!


Thought of the day

Have you heard of the Desiderata?  Written in 1927, by Max Ehrmann, here it is in full.

GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.


It's February!  Let's bid the last winter month in the best way possible.  We know what to do; one day at a time.


Posted : 2nd February 2020 6:36 pm
Posts: 2926

Theres a lot of knowledge and experience within those words,  I believe in them especially for me to keep interested in my career however humble, I like to do my best at what I do however menial and basic the tasks that I strive to achieve at work be it taking the bins out, pushing a trolley with someone on it to xray or taking stationary round the hospital I am a proud man and like to do my best at this as a job and above all help others thru my work.  I don't ask for much in return but I like to think that Ive achieved at the end of each day.

Posted : 2nd February 2020 9:45 pm
Posts: 95

Very wise words by Max. We all go through different stages in our life and my stage is to keep things as simple as possible. Treat people how I want to be treated. All the best everyone just one day at a time. 

Posted : 3rd February 2020 10:18 am
Posts: 30

Hi everyone how are we all doing? It sounds like we are all moving into February feeling good as a group!

Russ/Mark.  10 months free is a long time and so happy to hear you are smashing it!

Mixer. So good to see you back and to hear your wonderful words of wisdom and support!

Danpo. Great to hear you have got your car back and you are working again! And great to hear that you didn’t let to you and stayed GF! Well done bro!

And to everyone else, I hope things go well in February and onwards!!

Today I am 31 days GF and loving it!! Seeing the difference in my life is fantastic and keeping me on track. But reminding myself daily that I am a gambler and I could slip up if I get too relaxed I so important!


Posted : 3rd February 2020 5:43 pm
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