Stay strong, you've come too far to throw it all away. I get it mentally you're not feeling strong at the moment, but imagine if you relapse, how will you feel about going back to day 1 ?. Please talk to an advisor on the helpline before making any rash decisions.
Best Wishes
@haystack0915 you have done so well talk to your family its not worth it u have do so well, i know how your feeling you need to get through this i promise u will feel so much better please dont do think about your family go for a walk it did same to me for 3 days it an evil illness fight it please you can do it dont let it hurt u ever again im really worried about u
@slow & @tazman, thank you both for your support.
Had a real tough time lately but glad to say I’m still gamble free and starting to feel on the up again. I know that I do not want to go back to day one after doing over 60 days gamble free. The most I’ve ever done.
Through each and every storm comes the sun!
@haystack0915 congratulations well done so happy for you it shows your putting in the work i have been occupying my time on here which has been a life saver doing other activities keeping busy has been helping me i have accepted i no longer want to win my money back and i have found other ways of copying with life tempation will be their but does get easier i have done over 2 years GF before my target is to beat that and except it is a life long illness which i didnt except before
I so hope you are praising yourself battling this through adversity.
Really how strong are you ?, stressed but still keeping it at bay.
You are truly awesome, find that positivity and cast any negative thoughts out.
You are absolutely smashing it, and you will continue to too.
I'm about to go up the wooden hill I'm tired. Think about that holiday you've booked & so richly deserve. Think about your boss recently acknowledging the fantastic job you're doing clearly standing out & shining. Who does that positivity belong to ? you or the gambling dens. You ain't cannon fodder you're someone who's here to be respected & enjoy everything that's good in life. It's tough sometimes, look back, smile & be proud of your wonderful achievements. Let no-one rob you of that. One day at a time.
Best Wishes
What an amazing diary Haystack, it is difficult enough battling this addiction every day on your own without the added pressure and the temptation of being drawn in by other people gambling. Those compulsive urges are horrible but they can pass, in the past I have called my urges a “toothache”, I know with some pain relief it will eventually go away, my gambling pain relief now is my distraction in the form of watching quiz shows, sounds mad but when I have to think about other things I can forget about the gambling and the urge passes.
Keep up the amazing strength you have, I cannot wait to get to 60 days being gamble free, my target is 90 days. Look at all the positives in your life now, the hard work is definitely worth it.
Best wishes
Alice x
Wow, I am absolutely blown away by the incredible support you are all showing me. There aren’t words to begin to express how much it means to me and how much of a huge help and constant positive reminder you all are for me. Thank you so much.
The past weeks or so life has thrown difficult things my way, but looking now and processing the fact I did not gamble when I would have had every excuse in my head to gamble before is a sense of pride I never imagined having 64 days ago!
For each and every little struggle, it makes the next day even brighter and yourself more grateful that you didn’t fall back into the negative gambling traps.
Remember guys, gambling is not the answer to tough days. Gambling is never the answer.
Motivation. Praise to yourself for each and every single step you take. One day at a time. Believing in yourself and your own strength is what’s important.
We have all got this, just taking it one day at a time (even if the days are tough, they will get better).
Thank you all again so so much for your support! Onwards and upwards to a gamble free life, take care all??
@haystack0915 if i didnt have my last relapse i wouldnt have been on this site i have changed as a person and made vows once i get through this i will others, ive turned a negative into a positive, the gambling industry will always be their no matter what but it up to make a change for the better as we have first hand experince, ive learnt from being a compulsive gamblier their could be a million reasons why do end up gambling but what we can do no matter what life throws at us we have to be honest with ourself and find other ways of dealing with it and not to feed this addiction it can be done we just need alittle bit if encouragement at times thats all and it help to be around possitive people unfortunately we live in a very selfish society we have accept this
You are doing amazing! Keep up
the great work, the rewards when we are completely free from the claws of gambling are more rewarding than any win.
Take care x
I don't want you to be blown away, I want you to fly away on your upcoming holiday, not giving a d**n about what you can or can't afford. Relaxing on the plane perhaps enjoying a drink 20,000 up in the air smiling & thinking to yourself YES I'M A WINNER. The gambling dens failed to deprive me of this joyous experience. The world's your oyster without that c**P & I, like your boss think that you're intelligent enough to see that.
Thank you soo much!
Just popping on to say I’m still gamble free, struggling to process the debt I’m in and it’s getting me down slightly but nothing I can’t keep battling through one day at a time!
hope you’re all good xx
I came here in the same situation as you. A wise man told me take care of the addiction & money matters will take care of themselves, it's true. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Maybe your credit score will suffer, CCJs stay on your records for about 6 or 7 years, defaults ( late payments ) for about 3 years. Is it any worse than self - exclusion for 5 years ?. Don't think of these things as a burden but an opportunity, sometimes we can be blinded by the events of today without considering the long term effects. Trust me you're doing ok.
Best Wishes
@haystack0915 amazing news it will take time the debt will always be their but eventually it will become less and less of a burden, its a slow process it can be done, it will get to a stage where the debt wont be an issue it could be many thing be prepared when you are feeling the pace talk to someone these urgues are life long and could easily draw u back in its what u do in that moment in time having some their to remind yourself when the urges get stronger eventually over a period of time it will get alot easier everyone different their light at the end of the tunnel
Haystack you are amazing. We both knew at some point there would be tough days laden with problems and temptation. Being tough and uncompromising and subconsciously building up the walls in the early days is to get some momentum going forward. So your own difficult period is here(i have had mine this last couple of months). I believe the way you have grown, developed, learnt and strengthened was for this exact scenario. You are now stronger than gambling, sure you will have doubts and negative thoughts but they will lessen and lessen with each period of stress you get through. No doubt in my mind at all you will work out the answers for your own struggle and get through this, just as you may have to do again in the future. You are growing stronger, wiser and you should praise how far you have come over the months. Stop, re-assess, plan and go again.
From someone who was full of doubt only a few weeks ago but is now thinking clear again, trust me you can and will get through this sticky patch.
Get back in the groove, and speak soon.
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