The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

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Many thanks Sean!

I am now settled at the crease. My groove is dug and I am seeing the ball quite clearly, but the bat remans straight and I am not shy about letting a few balls whizz past.

There will be plenty of time for the big shots later!

Markman 25* (25)

Posted : 25th January 2019 10:36 am
Posts: 629
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Hammered over square leg! 6 runs.

31 and not out.

The gamble free year continues.

Tonight I am treating my Rosie to something special. A 3 course Champagne meal at the Ritz followed by front row seats at Les Miserables. Something I would never have dreamed of a couple of years ago.

This is her Christmas present for which I scrimped and saved (but for gambling I should never had needed to) and booked several months ago. Probably the most lavish present I have bought and only a fraction of what she deserves for putting up with me.

She did not have to take me. I told her to take her sister, best friend or her mother, but such is her dedication that she said it was not much fun if she could not share it with me and that is exactly how I feel.

So, just another hour and half in the office and I can pick up my boy from school and then proceed to doll myself up.

Markman 31*

Posted : 31st January 2019 11:37 am
Posts: 4422

That raised a smile.
Fair play to you fella.
I would have to say that musicals are my worst nightmare lol, all that singing, well if you can call it that!!
Sarah loves them, so I will suffer them in silence.
I hope you have a ball.
Without doubt the results of your continued efforts to seek a life of abstinence.
One that will offer many more rewards.
Abstain and maintain
Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 31st January 2019 7:34 pm
Posts: 282

Hey Markman

Your average is going up day by day. Well done on the treat, although I think next time it should be a day out at Lords...

Hope you’re doing well.

Posted : 3rd February 2019 9:09 pm
Posts: 629
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Thanks Down and Out. Much appreciated words of support. As it happens I take my daughter to watch Middlesex play Surrey in the T20 at Lords once a year. For the first 5 years we saw them lose to Surrey. Finally, two years ago, we saw them win. We had a break last year!

Unfortuntely my Rosie is seriously ill in hospital. Thankfully it is not life threatening but there is a strong possibility that the whole of her colon will need to be removed which would be life changing for her and our family. Praying hard that the steroids continue to do a good job. According to her Doctor, the Surgeon is one who likes to talk about his knives and in all seriousness, I am hoping that he is not simply bored. Rosie will get a second opinion before she consents to any surgery.

I do not think much else could have convinced me more that giving up gambling is so much for the best. I have been able to provide for Rosie in her time of need; pay for the extortionate hospital parking (£5 per hour) buy her essentials, keep the children fed and entertained. If I was gambling not sure what I would do right now as I would not have the means to even visit Rosie and I have certainly exhausted the support of my friends over the years.

My employer has been supportive as ever. I have been able to come and go as I please so as to look after my family but also keep work majorly up to date. I am suffering from a chest infection as well and can barely speak so I am really looking forward to the weekend and, but for the grace of god, can bring Rosie home in one piece.

"Cut away to deep square leg for four. Once bounce four at long off." Like a left-handed boss.

Markman 39DGF

Posted : 8th February 2019 12:38 pm
Posts: 629
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Once again, with a defensive poise and a fully straight, bat I dab and nurdle my way to the half century.

I have received the gift of my Rosie coming home. Thankfully she has avoided the need for major surgical intervention for now but she will still have a good fews month of recovery.

I have suffered from a troublesome chest infection coupled with toothache these past couple of weeks which has made going to being a working husband and housewife all the more difficult. Rosie's stockings did afford some temporary comfort though!

But, in all seriousness, there is no basis for me to complain.

On Tuesday, we buried Rosie's poor nephew, who died at the age of 23 from Cystic Fibrosis. You may have read about his bravery in the newspapers.

On Thursday, I drove to Hitchin and we buried Alfie, our wonderful friend and Practice.

That was very diffucult, but on the way to the Alfie's funeral I received a call that Kenny, my "more of a brother than a cousin" suffered a cardiac arrest that morning.

On Friday, I listened as I was told the heartbreaking news that Kenny's life support machine was being turned off. He passed away later that day, before that became necessary.

These are all severe losses, but Kenny is the greatest thing taken from me by my gambling addiction.

You see, he lived 200 hundred miles away. I would see him every few weeks as child and as a young adult. Since additiction took over my life, I must have seen Kenny only a couple of times. I was either too absorbed in addiction or I had lost too much money and could not afford the petrol. I have missed countless hours of time with him and with his family and have missed so much. We had a hotel booked to finally visit him in April. By booking those tickets I was in part celebrating my liberation from addiction. But it was too late.

I am so grateful that I called Kenny on his birthday. By pure conicidence, just 36 hours before he died. I had not seen him since may father's funeral 5 years earlier. Once of the last things I said to him was that it would be nice to see him other than at someone's funeral. Little did I now how poignant that statement would turn out.

Markman 50DGF

Posted : 19th February 2019 1:46 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6164

Dear Markman,

sorry to read about your losses, it sounds like you are going through a very challenging time right now. Sometimes at times like these it is good to have some additional support around. Please contact the Helpline or the Netline if you'd like some 1-2-1 treatment support.

I would also like to mention Cruse Bereavment support, just in case.

Wishing you lots of stregnth and all the best in this difficult time,


Forum Admin

Posted : 19th February 2019 11:04 pm
Posts: 0

Sending strength to you & all around you in these difficult times my friend x

Posted : 20th February 2019 12:12 am
Posts: 282

Wow Mark you have really gone through the mill recently. So glad you haven’t escaped into gambling to divert from your sorrows.

I have a cautious feeling that this is my time to really ditch this disastrous addiction. Hope it’s your time too. You will soon be smacking one over cow corner for a well deserved ton.

Posted : 4th March 2019 2:25 pm
Posts: 629
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Thanks down and out.

Things have been very tough this year but I never forget my own blessings and will always have an open ear or a helping hand for others.

Today marks 70 days gamble free and I am at peace with my addiction.

Just don't say the C-word!


Posted : 11th March 2019 7:38 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6164

Dear Markman,

well done on 70 days gamble free, it is a huge achievement, considering what a challenging and difficult time you are going through at the moment.

Be proud of yourself and be kind to yourself.

All the very best,


Forum Admin

Posted : 11th March 2019 9:35 pm
Posts: 629
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Thank you Eva!

Posted : 24th March 2019 10:52 am
Posts: 0

Very honest words that hit home And nodding in agreement about everything you have said exspecially about the betting account being plump we feel fine and only broke when the account is empty

Posted : 24th March 2019 11:18 am
Posts: 629
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So it is one week until the £2 limit on FOBTs comes in to force and I am very pleased. I used to love playing the high roller games and whilst not the cause of my addiction they certainly fuelled it in my later days. It is either feast or famine with these machines but usually famine. I thought I would feel relieved however as I have not touched any form of gambling in 2019 I am actually quite indifferent. Having said that I am delighted that no one else can be harmed by their curse.

2019 has been a mixed year. Financially very good as I have not gambled but I have said goodbye forever to some beloved family and friends.

Without gambling I have fully refocused my life. My relationship with my wife, children, friends, and even employer seems to be closer than ever.

In one week I am also getting the biggest pay packet of my life owing to some very long hours and the kindness of the tax man. The bottom line is that I will be debt free in one week (barring the debts in the DMP with are manageable and do not bother me any more).

I am seeing money in a new light. Firstly I appreciate that it may not always be there and I need to make provision for this.

Secondly the money I work hard to earn is not MY money. It is my FAMILY's money and I must use it for them. To do otherwise is a gross breach of trust. It has taken me far too long to realise this.

I am taking my family on a weekend away to Bournemouth in April to celebrate and we cannot wait.

When I reflect on my blessings I realise that I have everything in the world I need. All I should be worrying about is the health of me and my family.

For this reason I have joined a local "rusty dads" football group online and am playing five a side on Thursdays.

I saw my doctor the other day. He has given me a full service including ultrasounds, blood tests and an x-ray on my back for the falls I had over the past years. I am thankful that my blood pressure is surprisingly perfect but my weight has hit 20 stone so I need to bring this down even though I carry it well and nobody believes me! Back to my keto diet!

I am so happy that spring is now upon us. I get sad in winter which has no doubt been a massive contributor to my gambling addiction.

It is a glorious day. I am about to mow the lawn for the first time this year and then play some table tennis with Louis - at 11 he is a very good little player and a perfect partner.

I will then treat myself to watching an IPL match on the new 32 incher. Just for real fun and without any thought of "having a punt" - the most evil
and socially destructive euphemism I have ever known!

Markman 83 DGF

Posted : 24th March 2019 11:21 am
Posts: 859

Happy Sunday Markman, I have just caught up with your diary and blimey you sure have been the wringer 🙁 To stay resilient and GF through this tough time is quite something, but these life changing events do make you realise how fragile and precious life is and how gambling is a total waste of everything. Best wishes to you and your family, take care S x

Posted : 24th March 2019 11:21 am
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