Welldone each day without a bet is a great achievement with time thing will improve the truth is their no magic formula and am still learning my life is going great so far and i do have good and bad days which are all part of life however am on day 379 still have a long way to go however i feel alot more at ease, infact i felt 10 times worse within 3 weeks then i have this whole year so i cant complain i still get thoughts on why didnt i start this process earlier i have come to terms with the losses and no longer want to try and claim them back but i am fully aware i could be tested at any time for what ever reason and it those times i need to ask for support and am greatful for Gamcare to offer support when needed
@uxqcyhtzrm Hi there.
Just wanted to say well done at keeping going, when the going has got tough!👏👏👏💪. Nice to hear too, that you have been receiving emotional support from the Gamcare staff and knowing that they are always there, especially when you have been feeling vulnerable.
This can be a long road but the fact you are actually on the road, will stand you in good stead to continue to learn and improve, day by day. 🙏.
Take care - day by day or even hour by hour if need be.
Pink Lady 🩷🍎.
Thank you all for the replies I appreciate the time you have taken to respond. I’m finding this journey very tough and very humbling. I think the time away has given me space to realise how extreme the gambling was, which is quite confronting to be honest. I also realise what a tough journey recovery is and what it takes to be gamble free each day. I am leaning on support groups and doing everything I can to stay on track.Â
I keep having dreams of relapsing and wake up in the night a lot at the moment. I know this will get better because I have great people around me including the people on this forum.Â
I hope you all have amazing dayÂ
Day 89 - still going.
The highs and lows are extreme for me at the moment. I am proud of my progress but the enslaught of guilt emotions and swings of sadness urges guilt and depression are quite extreme. I have support available to me and checking in regularly but there’s no getting away from it… this is really bloody hard. I am thankful for all the wonderful people and support I have in my life, I will do everything I can to beat this thing.Â
It won’t be this bad forever I know but for right now I’m struggling a bit. GA meeting tonight - hope everyone is well.
Brighter times to comeÂ
Awesome job mate. Super happy for you. 89 days is a great result. 89 days of not handing over your hard earned money for no reason.
The only advice I can give you is to forget about the past. No regrets. The past can’t be changed. Your focus should now be on creating a future. 89 days ago you said goodbye to gambling. It was the start of a new life. Nothing you do now will change anything that has happened, well you will pay off whatever debt you were in. Now it’s time to focus on fixing relationships, paying off debts and living a happy normal life. Looking back will only bring memories, and memories can bring urges.Â
Onwards and upwards mate. You’ve got this.
Stay strong 💪Â
@uxqcyhtzrm Well done. 👏👏👏👏. You should be super proud of yourself. It’s not an easy road us gamblers on here are on but at least we are on that road and that’s the main thing!
keep doing what you are doing and I wish you strength and happiness as you continue on your journey.
Take care.
Pink Lady 🩷🍎.
Hi allÂ
I’m doing well and am 131 days GF. Whilst I have my ups and downs I feel a lot more stable than I did the last time I posted. Recovery is hard but I am also experiencing so much growth too. There is lots of growth for me ahead but there is positivity to look forward to - I found it hard to think about this at the start but I’m really feeling the positive effects of being in recovery. More patience more presence and more time for others and less harsh on myself - long may the growth continue and the recovery too.Â
all the bestÂ
@uxqcyhtzrm This is lovely to read! Well done you 👏👏👏👏. May you continue to distance yourself further and further away from the destruction that gambling has brought us folk on here. 🙏.
Take care.
Pink Lady 🤞🙏.
thought I would post an update here as I haven’t been on for a while. I am still gamble free (205 days). I have had some health difficulties lately which has made urges/thoughts of gambling stronger. However thanks to attending therapy through gamcare and attending online GA sessions I now have a network of support I can turn to instead of gambling. 13 years I had been heavily addicted to gambling with a lot of debt and I can tell you the only thing that works if finding a support group and sharing. It means I have people to go to who understand me when times get tough. I’m so grateful for all of it - and I am so proud of going the longest I have ever gone gamble free. Next target is a year! 🙏🏼
Hey allÂ
update and 275 days gamble free. I still have my days where I have my urges but I have committed to recovery going two at least one and mostly two online meetings a week. Doing this has been a game changer for my recovery and for me the only way I can stay away from gambling and the harm it has caused me. Anyone reading get yourself to an in person or virtual meeting and find fellow recovering gambling addicts, it’s such a useful and powerful tool in your recovery.Â
have a good weekend allÂ
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