So the charging port on my phone stopped working the other day. Long story short I did everything I thought I could do to try fix it before heading down to the store to say it had broke. One of the few things I did was a factory reset of the phone. The phone is fixed now. Anyway I've had a really busy weekend and have finally come home. I just realised that all my apps needed me to log back into them. I then discovered Gamban needed me to do that to which I thought was weird. I tested a gambling site to see if it was working and to my suprise (or horror) the gambling site appeared. I tried another and that appeared, and another which also appeared. I went straight back to Gamban to sort this out but for whatever reason I convinced myself not to re install it just yet. I convinced myself to have a pop on one of the sites first. Of course I did. Anyway, Ive just lost a substantial amount of money when gambling wasn't even on my radar and hasn't been for a while. I feel ive been doing really well with my recovery to gambling this thing lingers and leeches on you and when you think it's gone it's always still there. It's so mad that it literally all stems from my phone breaking and that factory reset I did the other day, to now finding myself alone and on my phone and realising I could access these sites again. I feel so down about this now. I've reset my progress on here to today and I'm trying to look past it all now.
Thanks for reading.
You're not the first one mate,same thing happened to me 2 months ago.I was with Gamston and gamban reset it my phone because of system issues and here we go started gambling on non Gamston websites lost thousands.
Sorry to hear your bad experience mate. I know the feeling for the last 5 years all I have done is gamble everything from my day job to my self employed job I would be minted if I hadn't of gambled the way I did. I have Gamban and Gamestop set up on all my devices however I have 2 old android phones in a draw that I could easily access and start gambling again it was actually only 2 days ago my mind clicked and remembered I had those phones and the urge to gamble was strong in that moment I tried really hard to remember all these years all the months I've gone without having money and borrowing from loans etc and somtimes having to go down to a food bank just to survive. Don't beat yourself up over it we all human I guess I've released time and time again up until now I feel like I have control.
Like others have commented, I've also been there and feel your frustration. It takes such a lot of time and effort to make progress and yet it can take mere moments to blow a fortune.
I try to keep gambling blocks on my bank accounts as well as using Gamban etc to maximise my chances of staying gambling free.
Just been there myself last night after nearly a 7 day streak of no gambling. I feel your pain. Don’t be too hard on yourself, I know it’s easier said than done. Use that energy to motivate yourself to stay GF. All the best to you, you will beat this!
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